Page 64 - Danir_Arsbok_2021_ENG
P. 64

DANIR 2021 | Our involvement


                                                       Offerdals SK

                                                       The Olofsson family has a long-standing commitment
                                                       in Jämtland. Here we support the local club Offerdals
                                                       SK with the ambition to promote sports activities in
                                                       Offerdal, and skiing in particular. Offerdals SK was
                                                       founded in 1961 and currently has around
                                                       500 members.

Emerging Cooking Solutions                             be turned off if the user fails to pay. Each stove saves
                                                       4 - 5 tonnes of CO2 per year. The pellet production is
Around the world, more people die as a result of       based on surplus biomass and is therefore renewable
cooking over smoky, open fires than from malaria,      and environmentally sustainable. The system helps
tuberculosis and HIV/AIDS combined. The climate        to slow the rate of deforestation and develop the
effect of charcoal and firewood burned for cooking     economy in the places where it is used. It also saves
is as great as that of the entire aviation industry.   time and improves both the health and household
Emerging Cooking Solutions has developed a pellet      finances of its users. Emerging Cooking Solutions
stove and a vertically integrated business model       operates in Zambia, Mozambique and Malawi.
with local pellet production, distribution, customer
financing and coal credits. The stove is connected to
the internet, can be paid for in instalments, and can

                                                       Östra skolan

                                                       Östra Skola is one of the first projects financed
                                                       through the Uppstart Malmö foundation and
                                                       their Växation Malmö project, with Dan Olofsson
                                                       and Danir as investors. Östra Skolan has a clear
                                                       philosophy that pupils should develop their language,
                                                       their subject skills, and their social skills. The goal is to
                                                       equip pupils for the future through forms of instruc-
                                                       tion that are innovative, inspiring and deliver good
                                                       results. The school currently has approximately 144
                                                       pupils, divided across six classes in grades 7 through 9.
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