Page 62 - Danir_Arsbok_2021_ENG
P. 62

DANIR 2021 | Our involvement


                                                         UWC Diljian College

                                                         UWC Dilijan College in Armenia is a part of the
                                                         UWC network, a global education movement that
                                                         makes education a force to unite people, nations
                                                         and cultures for peace and a sustainable future. The
                                                         UWC network is comprised of 17 colleges around the
                                                         world, and more than 50,000 students from over 180
                                                         countries have studied at UWC schools and colleges.

Robert F. Kennedy                                        “Let us dedicate ourselves to what
Human Rights                                              the Greeks wrote so long ago:
                                                          'To tame the savageness of man
Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights is committed to            and make gentle the life of this
continuing Robert F. Kennedy’s legacy to stand against    world.'”
oppression and strive to achieve a more just and peace-
ful world. Since 2018, Dan Olofsson is a member of the     Robert F. Kennedy
Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Leadership Council.

                                                         Offerdals Spelmanslag

                                                         Since 1985, Offerdals Spelmanslag has performed
                                                         their music at venues ranging all the way from the
                                                         forests of Jämtland to the United States, Russia
                                                         and South Africa. As the pandemic now hopefully
                                                         nears an end, the fiddle team looks forward to finally
                                                         getting back on the road and playing for an audience
                                                         again. Among other performances, they will join Nor-
                                                         wegian fellow musicians for a show at a folk music
                                                         fair held in Nidaros Cathedral. Every year, Offerdals
                                                         Spelmanslag also awards a cultural scholarship to a
                                                         young person based in Krokom Municipality who has
                                                         shown promise in one or more cultural areas.
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