Page 51 - Danir_Arsbok_2022_ENG
P. 51
49 Våra övriga innehav | DANIR 2022
Radinn keeps surfing
a wave of success.
Radinn develops and sells electric surfboards in achieve both profitability and continued sustainability.
the global market. Our vision is to spread the Our current development projects and initiatives aim
dream of surfing to the masses. Our boards are easy to increase efficiency and quality and to reduce costs.
to ride, allowing novice surfers to quickly develop
their skills. Radinn does not require any specific The market for jetboards is constantly expanding,
weather conditions such as waves or wind; all you and we are building our distribution network with
need is water. That water can be in lakes, rivers or the help of larger and larger retailers. North America
seas across which you can travel at 55 km/h, without is now showing clear signs of becoming our largest
making a sound. market by far. We are proactively managing certifi-
cation and regulatory processes aimed at stimulating
For us, the past year has meant a transition from sales and further consolidating our position as a
a focus on R&D and growth to industrialisation and global leader in jetboards.
profitability. 2022 has also been about managing and
parrying changes in the outside world that affect our This year, we launched and tested our rental con-
organisation and our company. The year has been cept Radinn Surf Club, with successful results in sev-
characterized by the war in Ukraine and the financial eral places. Indeed, the concept proved so successful
crisis that followed it, resulting in new business that next year we will start rolling it out in selected
conditions. We are doing our best to ensure the secu- locations. We believe that the possibility of being
rity of our organisation, and our ability to adapt to able to rent a Radinn board will positively affect
changed circumstances is essential. Change process- public awareness of our product and brand, thus
es are never easy, but we have fantastic employees increasing our sales. We are now looking forward to
and together we are guiding Radinn forward on this 2023 and to our continued good collaboration with
journey. our largest owner, Danir!
As with most companies, in times like these it is WEB
important to balance our business so that we can