Page 46 - Danir_Arsbok_2022_ENG
P. 46

DANIR 2022 | Våra övriga innehav


Hub Park, new energy
 yields new synergy.

Hub Park is a real estate company that focuses on        and strengthens our position as an innovative
       developing traditional parking garages into sus-  property developer.
tainable mobility buildings adjacent to residential and
commercial properties. Our ambition is to achieve           LOIs (Letter of Intent) for land purchases have
better and more sustainable mobility and service         been drafted and permit processes have begun. In
solutions, to be innovative in terms of energy pro-      the coming years, we will focus on developing similar
duction, and to create adaptable facilities that meet    projects. To this end, we have strengthened our
the needs of the future. We aim to be an attractive      organisation in the areas of property development,
partner for municipalities and other land developers     mobility and energy.
who want long-term, sustainable and smart solutions
for parking and mobility.                                   This year we have started our second facility,
                                                         Stationsstadens Hub Park in Kävlinge. And the zoning
    External factors have affected the construction      plan for our largest project, Ellstorp, has gained legal
and real estate industry in many ways. The COVID-19      force. In Trelleborg, together with Kvarnstaden, we
pandemic created material shortages and supply           have a land allocation for the development of mobility
chain problems, which led to increased construction      houses, grocery stores and housing. We finished
costs that accelerated as inflation skyrocketed.         the year strong with two won LOU procurements
Interest rates rose and have continued to rise, and      (procurements conducted according to the Swedish
higher energy prices have impacted management            Public Procurement Act) in Gävle and Uppsala, which
costs. As a result of these factors, some projects have  makes us nationwide.
been postponed.
                                                            We continue to have active dialogues with several
    The unstable energy market, with increased           municipalities and private land developers around
energy prices and potential power shortages,             Sweden. Despite the challenging times, we are highly
provides good business opportunities for companies       optimistic about future opportunities involving new
that solve the challenge. Through our own solar panel    energies and new synergies.
parks and property battery solutions, our depend-
ence on energy prices is reduced, as well as the         WEB
climate footprint. This in turn creates synergies
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