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DANIR 2022 | Our involvement                                                                                      56


Expanding                                                 in several countries who together fund the training
and providing                                             programme and our work.
support where
it is needed                                              WE ARE DEVELOPING, IMPROVING, AND
most.                                                     ADAPTING OUR PROGRAMME FOR THE FUTURE
                                                          2022 has been an exciting and stimulating year,
Star for Life is a non-profit organisation that works     although we have still been somewhat hampered by
     to create better circumstances for young people.     the pandemic. After a few years of periodic school
Through a unique training programme, our coaches          closures in southern Africa, it is wonderful that our
work to help young people strengthen their self-          coaches are now back out at the schools.
esteem and motivate them to devote themselves to
their education, take care of their health, and make         We have taken the opportunity to begin extensive
wise life choices. This gives them a chance to influ-     efforts to modernise the school programme. In close
ence their future.                                        collaboration with colleagues in South Africa and
                                                          Namibia, working methods are being evaluated and
   The idea for Star for Life came to Dan and Christin    developed to ensure that we deliver the programme
Olofsson when they were starting a business project       in the most functional and sustainable way. We
in South Africa’s KwaZulu-Natal region. They saw          continue to refine the school programme according
first-hand how many people were affected by HIV           to the “social and emotional learning” method. It
and AIDS. In 2005, the devastating consequences of        strengthens students’ self-esteem, their self-lead-
these diseases led them to start a project at a local     ership skills, and their motivation to do their school
school. That was the start of Star for Life.              work. It also fosters their ability to understand,
                                                          communicate and build relationships.
   Today we work in 120 schools in South Africa,
Namibia and Tanzania where, so far, 450,000 young            The past year has also shown us the true meaning
people have taken part in the Star for Life pro-          of loyalty. Despite a turbulent and uncertain time in
gramme. We are also investing in preventive health        the world, our corporate partners have continued to
care. Our three mobile health clinics visit the schools,  support us and we have welcomed several new ones.
provide information about health, and offer students      Thanks to their contributions and long-term thinking,
health checks.                                            we can continue to carry out our mission. We contin-
                                                          ue to develop feedback to our partners, with videos
   Star for Life now also operates outside Africa. In     and reporting from the schools they support. We
Sweden, Motivationslyftet by Star for Life has been       create meeting places in the form of partner meet-
active since 2013, and in 2022 Star for Life Ukraine      ings, where we can interact and inform our partners
and Star for Life Jerusalem were also launched.           about Star for Life’s ongoing work. Here we can also
                                                          give our partners the opportunity to network and
   In addition to the collaboration and support from      make new business contacts.
Danir, Star for Life has many committed partners
                                                          THE YEAR IN BRIEF
                                                          Despite the ongoing war in Ukraine, Star for Life
                                                          Ukraine has been able to start up its first project
                                                          to support and empower children affected by the
                                                          conflict. Together with Voices of Children, a training
                                                          programme is now being implemented to develop
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