Page 60 - Danir_Arsbok_2022_ENG
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DANIR 2022 | Our involvement



A seed of hope is
planted in Jerusalem.

Star for Life Jerusalem is a foundation whose             young adults find jobs. It has seen a good start and
     vision is to promote sustainable development for     100 people have already found employment thanks
the people of East Jerusalem through various initia-      to the programme. The goal is to help 3,000 people
tives. Our mission is to develop, finance, and imple-     find jobs over the next five years. The Job Hub will
ment programmes targeting education, employment,          also support SMEs in their expansion and facilitate
IT skills development, and IT entrepreneurship.           their hiring of more young people.

   We started our activities in January 2022, when           The third programme is an IT training project that
Dr. Reda Mansour, a seasoned and skilled diplomat,        provides training courses for young people with an
became Star for Life Jerusalem’s first employee. We       academic background in IT. The aim is to improve
continued to recruit staff throughout the year, and at    their chances of finding skilled jobs in this growing
the end of September Christin and Dan Olofsson inau-      sector and also, to strengthen the Tech ecosystem in
gurated our new office, which is staffed by 17 energetic  East Jerusalem.
employees, mostly women from East Jerusalem.
                                                             To succeed in Jerusalem, we will take a long-term
   We have also launched three different programmes.      approach – just as we always do when undertaking a
The first was launched in September at Al-Tur and Ibn     new commitment. And we hope that through our ini-
Khaldun schools. They are two of four pilot schools       tiatives and programmes, we can help sow the seeds
where we are testing out an adapted programme for         of hope for a better, safer, and more stable future.
social and emotional learning developed by Motiva-
tionslyftet and Star for Life in Sweden.                  WEB

   Our second programme, “The Job Hub”, helps   
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