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Our involvement | DANIR 2022


      Jessica tackles both her work and the world at large with boundless commitment
    and energy – most recently as Secretary General of Star for Life. She thinks the fancy
    title is fun, but it still feels like an odd fit for a “woman of the people” like herself. On

           the other hand, she sees herself in everything that Star for Life stands for.

    Indeed, 17 years ago, it was that sense of connection       perspective on leisure time following her first year
      that led her to “apply” for a job at the then-fledgling   at Star for Life.
                                                                   Jessica believes in a transparent leadership style;
        “I’d just started the non-profit association Transfer   employees should feel that they can address prob-
     and gotten Dan Olofsson to join the board of directors     lems. This fosters confidence that they will be able
     when I heard that they were planning to launch Star        to resolve any challenges they may face in the best
     for Life. So I told Dan I wanted to work there,” says      possible way.
     Jessica, describing her first contact with Star for Life.
                                                                    “	When you learn about cultures,
        Yet hiring processes can sometimes become                     you also gain a better under-
     drawn-out affairs, and it was not until October 2021             standing of how other people
     that all the pieces fell into place and Jessica took over        live, think and act.”
     as the new Secretary General.
                                                                         – Jessica Grundström Ahldin
        But Jessica has always run projects that support
     vulnerable groups and people in vulnerable areas.          “Old truths are just that – old – and when it comes to
     Jessica was already eager to make a positive difference    identifying needs and problems, it’s easy to become
     in the world when she began studying the humanities        complacent. After all, the world is changing all the
     at university, where she majored in Language. Back         time. That’s why it’s super important to be respon-
     home in Klippan, she got involved in politics. She then    sive, work closely with those in the field,, and listen to
     headed abroad for more language studies.                   everyone in the organisation,” explains Jessica about
                                                                her leadership approach.
        “When you learn about a language, you learn about
     an entire culture. And when you learn about cultures,         A lot has happened since Star for Life launched its
     you also gain a better understanding of how other          first programme, and new conditions have emerged.
     people live, think and act, which is very useful in my
     job,” ruminates Jessica, when asked about how her             “We’re doing an ‘upshift’ to modernise our
     studies have influenced her in her current position.       programme and make it more relevant. And now that
                                                                we also have operations in Ukraine and Jerusalem,
        2022 has been a busy year, and Jessica has initiated    it’s important that we review how and with whom we
     several projects aimed at updating and improving the       communicate,” says Jessica about how Star for Life is
     organisation. This has meant a great deal of travel, many  establishing itself to do good in more places.
     meetings and long hours on airplanes and in airports.
                                                                   Doing good is Jessica’s primary passion, and her
        “If you’d asked me before what I like to do in          experiences “on the ground”, where Star for Life oper-
     my spare time, I would have said travel. But now I         ates, have been life-changing. And now the humanist
     appreciate being home with my family. Puttering            has become even better at the outside world and the
     around the kitchen, making dinner. Italian food is my      language of caring.
     favourite, but after all the travelling, there’s not much
     that beats meatballs, cream sauce, potatoes and
     lingonberries,” grins Jessica as she describes her new
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