Page 74 - Danir_Arsbok_2022_ENG
P. 74

DANIR 2022 | Our involvement                                                                                      72

Emerging Cooking Solutions

Around the world, more people die as a result of        in the world that meets the health requirements
cooking over smoky, open fires than from malaria,       for “modern cooking”. Each stove saves 4 - 5 tonnes
tuberculosis and AIDS combined. The climate impact      of CO2 per year. The pellet production is based on
of charcoal and firewood burned for cooking is as       surplus biomass and is therefore renewable and
great as that of the entire aviation industry. Emer-    environmentally sustainable. The system helps
ging Cooking Solutions has developed a pellet stove     to slow the rate of deforestation and develop the
and an integrated business model with local pellet      economy in the places where it is used. It also saves
production, distribution, customer financing and coal   time and improves both the health and household
credits. The stove is connected to the internet, can    finances of its users. We currently have operations in
be paid for in instalments, and can be turned off if    Zambia, Mozambique and Malawi.
the user fails to pay. Our stove was recently cited in
the journal Nature, as one of the two pellet stoves

                                                        Hugos stiftelse
                                                        and Glädjeruset

                                                        The Hugos Stiftelse foundation raises money to
                                                        support associations and organisations that work to
                                                        ensure an active life and better health for children
                                                        and young people with disabilities. Among other
                                                        things, funds are raised via our Glädjeruset races, in
                                                        which everyone can participate in whatever way their
                                                        personal circumstances allow.

                                                           After two years of virtual races, we were finally
                                                        able to arrange in-person races again. One in Täby
                                                        and one in Skellefteå. We also held the virtual race, in
                                                        which people can compete wherever and whenever
                                                        they want. This year, over 1,300 competitors walked,
                                                        rolled or ran in our races.

                                                           A lot has happened in 2022. We now offer counsel-
                                                        ling for families with disabilities, we have welcomed
                                                        a new project manager to our team, and we have
                                                        launched a project that takes Glädjeruset to disabili-
                                                        ty-adapted schools, whereby they can partner with us
                                                        to arrange their own races. Nearly 800 children have
                                                        participated in Glädjeruset at school. The hope is to
                                                        continue expanding the number of participants in the
                                                        school-based race, now dubbed Hugoloppet. Also, we
                                                        awarded grants to 7H Para Alpine Skiing, Grödinge
                                                        SK Para Football, and the Bliss cheerleading club.
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