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CHAPTER 6 | Danir GHG inventory report 2023                                                                        28

Circularity agreements for electronics purchases can also be explored further. Several companies offer circular
solutions for purchasing mobile phones and laptops. Some companies within the Group are already working
with circular solution for electronics. In addition to using products longer and decreasing their carbon foot-
print, circular solutions also allow subsidiaries to purchase less electronics, further reducing emissions. Other
options such as donating electronics to increase the lifespan usage have a positive impact overall but does
not affect the Group’s emissions when reported according to GHG protocol. This still makes this sustainability
activity worthwhile, even if it is not evident in reporting.

Another way to reduce emissions on purchases is to create a climate impact checklist for purchasing of new
goods. For example, aim to buy products that have sustainability labels or a lower carbon footprint. This could
also be implemented when buying food for corporate events and at the office.

Business travel and commuting
Business travel is a very emissions heavy category that subsidiaries have the power to affect. Creating or
revising travel policies is a great place to start. For example, establishing incentives to replace air travel or
travel by gasoline/diesel vehicles with rail or electric/hybrid vehicles is recommended. A commonly used
travel policy example is that trips under 5 hours long must be taken by train. Another way to decrease business
travel emissions is to reduce travels when/if possible and instead, for example, prioritize Teams-meetings.
Since commuting is highly dependent on office location, it is recommended that subsidiaries conduct their own
commuting surveys to see what their highest emitters are. All subsidiaries are welcome to take the employee
commuting survey used for this report as an example. With this data, companies can see where to prioritize
reduction activity if possible. For example, by implementing incentives to switch to more environmentally
friendly commuting alternatives, such as electric/hybrid vehicles and public transport.

Creating a sustainability roadmap
For it to be possible to reduce emissions, all subsidiary companies can start by creating roadmaps and set
targets, if they have not already done so. To create a company specific roadmap, it is recommended to first
carefully look through the company specific emissions sheet. This will show which Scope and which activities
have the highest emissions impacts and therefore where to focus reduction actions. Next, it is important that
the company’s ambition level is aligned. Once these two foundational steps have been done, targets can be
set on how much emissions reductions the company aims to achieve. Targets should be measurable and
trackable, as far as possible. These can be based on the recommendations in this report. To meet these
targets, actions that correspond to specific scopes or emitting activities, can then be chosen. It is important
to create processes to measure these actions in order to track progress.
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