Page 24 - Danir_Klimatbokslut_digital_2023_ENG
P. 24

24                                                                                                                                 Danir GHG inventory report 2023 | CHAPTER 5

    The proportion of business travel by means of transport varies between the different companies.
    The emissions report for each company will contain company specific information on business travel.
    The subsidiary companies are therefore encouraged to study their own emissions within this category
    to see where targeted measures could be implemented.

    Employee commuting accounts for a large proportion, 29% or 3,536 tonnes CO2-eq, of the Danir Group’s
    total emissions, for all three Scopes. The results demonstrate how even short transport distances using fossil
    fuels can give rise to large greenhouse gas emissions on an annual basis. It is a category in which subsidiaries
    have little control, and therefore comes with certain challenges when implementing reduction efforts.

    This category's calculations rely on averaging emissions data sampled from employees, potentially leading
    to deviations from the true emissions due to the inherent variability of the randomized sampling process.
    Emissions are based on 278 sampled employees globally. This introduces uncertainty into the results and
    therefore the results may differ from reality, according to the 6% margin of error. For the third consecutive
    year, commuting emissions have been assessed using this methodology, consistently yielding results within
    a similar range each year.

    Figure 18 shows total distance and total emissions for commuting per means of transport. Commuting by cars,
    especially diesel and gasoline vehicles, and buses accounts for a large proportion of both the total distance
    commuted and emissions.

               Km                                                                                                                  Tonne CO2-eq
    10,000,000                                                                                                                     1,800         Distance per
                                                                                                                                   1,600         means of transport
     8,000,000                                                                                                                     1,400         [km]
     6,000,000                                                                                                                     1,200
     4,000,000                                                                                                                     1,000         Emissions per
     2,000,000                                                                                                                     800           means of transport
                                                                                                                                   400           [Tonne CO2-eq]
                   0                                                                                                               200

                      – Diesel                 Car – Hybrid  Car – Electric  Train
                                     Gasoline                                                Bus

                                   Car –

       Figure 18. Total distance and total emissions for commuting within Danir, by means of transport.

    Reducing and measuring emissions from commuting is difficult as options for using alternative modes of
    transport can be highly individual and location dependent. As commuting accounts for 29% of Danir Group’s
    total emissions and is highly dependent on office location, there is reason for subsidiaries to conduct company
    specific studies of commuting to see what each company could do to facilitate and/or create other incentives
    to switch to more environmentally friendly commuting alternatives. Hybrid solutions, such as working from
    home, are one way that companies are reducing commuting-related emissions.
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