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29  Danir GHG inventory report 2023 | CHAPTER 6

    6.2 Recommended actions and long-term progress

    Below are proposals for emission reduction measures based on the analysis, results, and Danir Group’s
    current environmental work. These proposals are meant to support subsidiaries of the Danir Group in
    emission reduction activities as well as the implementation and tracking of these activities. They are
    divided into four categories: foundational sustainability activities, energy, purchases, and travel.

    Foundational sustainability activities
    •	 Danir Group should continue to perform an annual group wide GHG inventory reports for the entire 		
    • 	 It is recommended that each company within the Group sets targets and roadmaps to reduce emissions 	
    	 based on the results from this GHG inventory. The targets should, as far as possible, be measurable to 	
    	 facilitate tracking and can also serve as a tool to meet future legal and customer requirements.
    • 	 Subsidiaries are encouraged to share information and coordinate sustainability work within the Group 	
    	 when possible.

    • 	 Continue to replace existing electricity contracts with renewable energy certificates, where available.
    •	 Purchase climate-certified district heating for offices when available.
    • 	 If energy-using products need to be replaced or purchased, exchange with a more energy efficient

    • 	 Review the lifespan of purchased electronics and extend the lifespan if possible.
    • 	 Opportunities for circular solutions can be sought.
    • 	 Implement a climate impact checklist for purchases of new goods.

    • 	 It is recommended that each company implements a travel policy if not already in place. Trains should be 	
    	 the first choice, over vehicle and air, for domestic travel.
    • 	 Companies could explore the possibility of having electric and hybrid vehicles available for
    	 employee usage.
    • 	 Companies could conduct a comprehensive mapping of employee commuting. Companies can use the 	
    	 commuting survey used for this GHG inventory as an example. This mapping can facilitate incentives to 	
    	 switch to more environmentally friendly transportation.

    In addition to these sustainability activities within the Danir Group, it is important to keep in mind that as a
    group with a focus on consultancy services within digitalization and electrification, we and our employees are
    actively contributing to emissions reductions and transformation to a more sustainable society through our
    continuous projects at our customers. Through our services we assist with crucial industry transformation and
    product development aiming for an overall reduced climate footprint, even if this important contribution is not
    reflected in the emissions reported in this GHG inventory report.
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