Page 41 - MELLBY_MAGASIN_2021_EN
P. 41


A complete outdoor

      The Open Air Group’s nine different subsidiaries offer more or less
   everything you need in the wilderness, from woollen underwear to GPS
tracking for hunting dogs. Two important acquisitions took place during the

                    year, and the Group’s expansion is continuing.

The Open Air Group is an acquisition-driven group aiming to                  HUNTING WITH DIGITAL SUPPORT IS GROWING
           grow by consolidating the market for outdoor activities, hunting  Technology is a new division which came into being in 2021 following
           and dogs. Synergies are achieved by means of cooperation          the acquisition of Ultracom and Wehunt. Tracker is already part of the
 among the Group’s subsidiaries. The Group comprises of three divisions      Group. These three companies develop apps for hunting and dogs.
– Brands, Retail and Technology.                                             Tracker is a GPS system that indicates the location of a dog – this
                                                                             information can be viewed in an app on a mobile phone. Ultracom also
    Retail includes the Widforss online shopping companies in Sweden         offers a positioning system for dogs, but with a technological overlap
 and Norway, and the Finnish online shopping company Retkitukku.             with Tracker. The two brands together have more than 100,000 users,
The division’s sales increased by 15 per cent during the year, but           and will benefit from one another’s expertise as technology continues
 the division is rigged for significantly faster growth than that. A new     to develop.
 warehouse in Morgongåva, near Stockholm, opened this year. The
 warehouse covers an area of 20,000 square metres, compared with the            There’s also Wehunt of Sweden, which has more than 400,000 users
 5,000 square metres from which it’s relocating. Despite the challenges,     and is an app showing maps of hunting grounds and the positions of was named E-Retailer of the Year in the sports and leisure      members of a hunting team. A 100 per cent holding in the company
 category by price comparison company PriceRunner.                           was acquired in early 2021. Together, these three companies have the
                                                                             opportunity to merge technologies to form the market’s leading and
 PANDEMIC BOOSTED OUTDOOR PURSUITS                                           most complete digital hunting system.
 “The first six months of the year were strong for Retail as the COVID-19
 pandemic boosted outdoor activities at home rather than travelling            “Digital technology is growing apace when it comes to hunting. This
 abroad. But it wasn’t long before we were faced with strained inventory     is helping to make hunting safer while also enhancing the whole
 management at our old premises. This is something we’re addressing          experience. Wehunt saw 50 per cent growth in 2021. The business
 by relocating to a new, bigger warehouse.”                                  model here involves subscription to the service, which provides
                                                                             recurring revenue. We have high expectations when it comes to
    Retail interacts naturally with the other two divisions by acting as     development in this division.”
 the primary sales channel for them. Brands develop, design and sell
 clothing and equipment for hunting and outdoor activities. Its brands          Overall, the Open Air Group increased its sales by around 30 per
 are Chevalier, Alaska and – through an acquisition as recently as           cent in 2021, while also increasing its profitability.
 December 2021 – Norwegian clothing company Aclima.
                                                                               “We’ve grown in just a few years to become a major player in our
    Aclima is a third-generation family business specialising in high-       industry. But of course, that’s really not enough for us. We’re always
 quality merino wool clothing. The company is the market leader in           on the lookout for complementary acquisitions both in Brands, where
 merino wool clothing in Norway, and its turnover last year amounted         new brands can complement our offering, and in Technology, where
 to more than SEK 200 million. This acquisition provides the Open            new technologies can help to improve our services still further. We’re
 Air Group with a majority holding and adds a significant platform for       also continuing to hone our online shopping to give an even better
 Brands in Norway, complementing the other Chevalier and Alaska              customer experience. I’d like to thank all our staff who’ve worked so
 offerings that are a little more focused on hunting. The acquisition also   hard to overcome the challenges we faced this year and helped to
 brings with it profitability right from the outset.                         bring about our positive development.”

   “Our online stores showed us that Aclima is a popular brand and that                           CEO Camilo Sjödin
 customers are becoming more and more interested in high quality
 outdoor clothing. The company will maintain its independence within
 the Open Air Group, but it will also have the opportunity to grow still
 further through our sales channels and best practices within the

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