Page 45 - MELLBY_MAGASIN_2021_EN
P. 45


    Record year for sales
       and profitability

2021 was a record year for Smarteyes. Emphasis on design partnerships and
 new collections in combination with a strong store concept and dedicated

          staff are all key ingredients in Smarteyes’ recipe for success.

“We’re having our best year ever, setting records in terms                       MARKET GROWING WITH NEW NEEDS
                      of both sales and profitability. Focusing on the right     The optician sector is growing, and competition remains fierce. We’re
                      activities has allowed us to increase our average revenue  all living longer, so we also need to change our glasses more frequently.
    per customer while balancing our costs in relation to sales at our           Moreover, many customers choose a number of different pairs of
    stores really well.”                                                         glasses depending on their needs. Glasses help people to see and meet
                                                                                 a variety of needs, but they’re also a way of expressing personal style.
    CONTINUOUS DEVELOPMENT TO DRIVE THE INDUSTRY                                 People often wear different types of glasses for computer work, driving
    The company focused on key development areas in 2021 such as in-             or sports.
    store concept development, digitalisation, clinical development, the
    in-store sales process and sustainability so as to create the conditions         Smarteyes is always working on developing and adapting its
    for continued growth. Smarteyes rolled out its new growth strategy           range so that it can meet the needs of the market while also inspiring
    in the past year, focusing on increased profitability, investments and       new behaviours when it comes to wearing glasses. The year saw the
    continued expansion.                                                         launch of 12 new collections in different price and style categories,
                                                                                 the highlight being the eco-friendly Elements collection. Customers
        Looking back, Smarteyes is able to confirm that it developed its         can now choose from more than 100 frames made from 100%
    sales initiatives successfully and increased the average purchase            biodegradable acetate. The established design partnerships with Efva
    per customer by 11 per cent during the year. Some 30 per cent of its         Attling and Oscar Jacobson are still very popular, which has given us
    revenue is currently generated by subscriptions, which is linked to          new customer segments.
    increased demand for more glasses for different needs.
                                                                                    “Our collections and design partnerships are key to strengthening
       “We’ve managed to increase the number of customers in 2021 while          our brand and market position.”
    achieving the highest average revenue per customer ever without
    increasing prices. We offer a wide and highly desirable range of             CULTURE IS SMARTEYES’ MAIN SUCCESS FACTOR
    products, and our designs and collections are key to creating market         Digital services are evolving rapidly, but Smarteyes stores and
    appeal.”                                                                     employees are still at the very heart of the company’s offering. Service,
                                                                                 commitment and how staff treat customers are key, as is expertise.
    DIGITALISATION AND RENEWAL OF THE OFFERING                                   Smarteyes has focused on reinforcing its organisation during the year
    The optician sector, like many others, is going digital. Smarteyes has       by providing leadership support and training. It’s also implemented a
    continued to develop and roll out a smart solution during the year that      new mobile tool to take daily stock of its organisation and gauge staff
    increases the availability of both the service and opticians, “Optiker på    satisfaction and engagement.
    distans” [Remote optician], in more stores. Its aim is to facilitate the
    purchasing processes, but also to offer and utilise state-of-the-art eye        “Our employees can make their voices heard, no matter where they are
    care technology and expertise.                                               in the organisation. This is an absolutely vital tool for all our managers.”

        Customers do their eye tests in the shop in the usual way, while             Corporate culture is a success factor – there can be no doubt about
    the optician is at home or elsewhere. High-speed video connectivity          that. Market surveys for 2021 indicate that Smarteyes is Sweden’s most
    and a proprietary technology system allow the optician to control the        widely recommended optician.
    equipment and carry out tests of various kinds. This is both a flexible
    and a cost-effective solution and enables Smarteyes to offer modern             “This is brilliant testament to the work our staff do every day in our
    vision care and fantastic in-store experiences.                              stores, and on our vision. It helps makes sure we always stay on our

                                                                                 CEO Thomas Kusoffsky

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