Page 53 - MELLBY_MAGASIN_2021_EN
P. 53


      Aros Kapital helps
      companies to grow

Capital is needed for growth and development. Aros Kapital aims to make this
 possible by being “everything but a bank”. Corporate finance in partnership
rather than bureaucratic red tape has proven to be a winning concept for the
                     company, which saw its best year ever in 2021.

Aros Kapital works solely with financing solutions for small                The successful launch in the UK is explained to an extent by the
          and medium-sized enterprises; financing property purchases     generous guarantees provided by the UK government during the
          or technology initiatives made possible thanks to loans or     pandemic, combined with the fact that Aros Kapital differ from
leasing. Lending is quick and easy thanks to an automated process,       traditional banks.
often with loan approval and payment of funds within one or two
days. Aros Kapital offers loans of up to SEK 500,000 in partnership        “We’re different to many other lenders in London because we’re just
with the European Investment Fund, which guarantees up to 80 per         less bureaucratic and more nimble, and we’re much more professional.
cent of the loan (the company is responsible for the rest). This type    And many lenders haven’t dared take the risk even though it’s a
of loan has undergone massive growth in 2021, driven – not least – by    massive market.”
developments in the UK, while also representing low risk for Aros
Kapital. The company has also signed a number of partnership             STRONG GROWTH AND FOCUS ON NEW MARKETS
agreements in respect of factoring.                                      2021 was Aros Capital’s strongest year ever. Turnover increased
                                                                         by more than SEK 200 million to SEK 566 million and profitability
INNOVATIVE COMPANIES DEMAND NEW FINANCING                                doubled to SEK 200 million. This success is mainly explained by the
SOLUTIONS                                                                very low credit losses.
Aros Kapital views its finance offering as a form of partnership,
typically focusing on companies that fail to fit into a traditional         The positive experience in the UK has strengthened the company’s
industry. Many customers are growth companies focusing on new            ambitions, and it’s now aiming to accelerate its growth and establish a
technologies and business models. This is a sector where Aros Kapital    presence in more markets. Aros Kapital signed a contract with a new
see it can make a difference.                                            partner in Ireland in 2021, and the company will be offering its first
                                                                         loans here in 2022. Aros Kapital also established a presence in Norway
  “Our analysis is a holistic assessment in which we analyse future      and is considering opening offices in Finland in future.
circumstances and not just historical data and the people behind the
enterprise. Many of the companies we’ve chosen to offer finance to are     “Our success lies in our scope and our talented staff. We have a
Tech companies where we truly believe we can develop the business        strong culture and their commitment is as strong as ever despite the
together.”                                                               fact the company has grown. It’s also building on our owners’ strong
                                                                         brand. Aros Kapital can go on moving forward quickly in an industry
   Matsmart’s new solar-powered automated warehouse in Örebro was        that’s slow-moving and traditional thanks to Mellby Gård’s financial
co-financed by Aros Kapital in 2021. Matsmart will eventually come to    strength, long-term vision and stability.”
own the entire robot system on account of a leasing arrangement.
                                                                         This interview was conducted in December 2021 with Daniel Grüner,
LONDON VENTURE REINFORCES POSITION AS INNOVATOR                          who was CEO at the time. Erik Berfenhag has been the acting CEO of
Aros Kapital opened its first overseas office in the UK in 2020, a move  Aros Kapital since April 2022.
that’s been very successful. The company has succeeded in reaching
out to new customers, particularly in the field of property finance               Acting CEO Erik Berfenhag
solutions together with its partner Assetz Capital. Their strategy is
to identify additional partners while also extending their offering to
include more channels and launching their invoice buying service in
the British market.

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