Page 49 - MELLBY_MAGASIN_2021_EN
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Vital research aiming MinelslobcyieGtåyrd
  to change society

 The Swedish Brain Foundation’s ambition is to create a society in which all
brains achieve their full potential, free from disorders. When this ambition is
achieved, our society will be a place where people live longer and enjoy better

   quality of life, where fewer people suffer or are affected by brain injuries,
  disorders and disabilities. Anna Hemlin has been Secretary General of the

                                 Foundation for seven years.

“Icome from a marketing background, but I’m really driven by the                  CONTINUOUS SUPPORT FOR RESEARCH
             privilege of working with brain research. Research is moving so      The record year has had a positive impact on the Swedish Brain
             quickly in many ways, with technological advances that help us       Foundation’s opportunities to fund research in various areas. Awarding
    understand more accurately how the body and its various disorders             three-year research grants has been possible for the first time.
    function, but it’s clear that brain research isn’t always prioritised as
    highly as research in other areas. I think it’s time for research into brain    “Having the opportunity to award three-year research grants really
    disorders to catch up!”                                                       makes a difference to our researchers. It provides them with another
       The Swedish Brain Foundation’s mission is to drive change focusing         level of security and continuity in their work – and there’s no need for
    on brain research, and this is being done by funding research and share       them to spend so much time applying for new grants. We also know
    researchers’ insights to society, aiming to improve well-being and            that successful research into one diagnosis can result in success with
    health in the long term. The Swedish Brain Foundation is also a vital         other diagnoses, so this will have a ripple effect when it comes to many
    platform where people affected and their family members can find out          brain disorders.”
    all about various diagnoses and get support to help them live with the
    diagnosis.                                                                       The importance of continuity is key to progress in research, so she’s
      “It’s so important for researchers’ insights to be shared in society,       grateful for the many years of support provided by Mellby Gård and
    in healthcare services, and to employers. This allows us to empower           Rune Andersson, particularly with regard to research into giant cell
    individuals, work with preventive measures - and eventually change            arteritis.
    society. Bearing in mind more than one in four Swedes suffers from
    depression at some point in their lives and up to a million people              “Research into giant cell arteritis is incredibly important because
    suffer from some form of addiction, you can see this field of research is     relatively small numbers of people are diagnosed with it, but at the
    important to society. Neurological diagnoses affect everybody at some         same time it causes a great deal of suffering for those affected. Not
    point, whether people themselves or their loved ones.”                        enough attention is paid to it, maybe precisely because it’s rare. Mellby
                                                                                  Gård has given us a great deal of help in this regard. Rune Andersson
    FUNDRAISING RECORD                                                            is also personally committed, driven and curious about the progress of
    The Swedish Brain Foundation is reliant on people donating money              the research, and he also helps out with raising the profile of both the
    to its causes by means of traditional fundraising or through bequests.        Swedish Brain Foundation and our research – a true ambasador.”
    There’s been a major shift in people’s willingness to donate in the light
    of the COVID-19 pandemic.                                                     DEVISING A BRAIN IMPACT ANALYSIS
                                                                                  Looking ahead to 2022, Anna sees plenty of things to look forward
      “Gifts bequeathed to us are our biggest source of income, and that’s        to – perhaps most notably all the brain research advances that are
    been the case for a long time. We normally arrange meetings with 50           underway in fields such as Alzheimer’s, mental health and addiction.
    to 100 participants so that we can tell them how to leave a gift to us        The Swedish Brain Foundation is also working on a letter to the
    in their wills. Last year’s meetings had to take place online – and we        government in order to push for the implementation of a brain impact
    managed to reach out to more than 2,000 people as a result! We were           assessment that will culminate in a brain plan. The emphasis here
    all very surprised and pleased, so we’ll carry on holding these meetings      is on the need to reform public systems so that they can be adapted
    like this going forward.                                                      more effectively to people’s varying needs.

      “Apart from bequests, 2021 was a record year for fundraising for              “We really need a knowledge boost when it comes to brain disorders.
    us. I think people stopped and reflected during the pandemic on the           Everything from how schools and healthcare services work and how we
    important things in life. And what’s more, it’s become clear just how         build our cities, to how to receive a correct diagnosis and what support
    important research is for society. We need it so that it can break down       is available to sufferers and their family members. Now it’s the brain’s
    barriers and help us think along new lines. So I’d like to say a big thank    turn – we need to focus on it!”
    you to all our donors!”

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