Page 57 - MELLBY_MAGASIN_2021_EN
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Klarahill offers complete
control over life and death
Klarahill continued its growth in 2021. Three strategic acquisitions of
funeral homes were made, and digital funeral home Lova was integrated.
Growth in the field of family law was boosted by a broader portfolio of
services and greater cooperation within the Group.
Klarahill provides its funeral services under the motto “By VERAHILL GROWS TO INCLUDE LEGAL
funeral directors, for funeral directors”. Entrepreneurial spirit ISSUES RELATING TO LIFE
and genuine expertise are vital when it comes to consolidating Verahill’s ambition is to become the leading family law firm in Sweden
the Swedish funeral industry, and also for new acquisitions. The through organic growth together with legal issues addressed by
company has grown constantly since it was founded in 2014. Klarahill in the event of death. Former operations manager Petra
Segerdahl was appointed CEO of Verahill in 2021 so as to head the
Three funeral home enterprises were taken over in 2021: Jarls in development initiative.
Sjöbo, Widéns in Karlstad and Östlunds in Katrineholm. The ten new
offices helped the company to achieve a SEK 145 million turnover in “Our origins in the funeral industry give us a major advantage over
funeral services, as well as significant improvement in profitability. our competitors. The classic legal issues that arise in the event of
death – probate, inheritance and administration of estates – provide us
“This year’s acquisitions haven’t just brought in new business for with a steady flow of cases, and demand is growing as Klarahill makes
us: they’ve also put us on the map in some important new regions. more acquisitions,” says Petra Segerdahl, CEO of Verahill.
We’ve found the key to success and are now stepping up the pace so
that we can take further market share. Our strong in-house culture Turnover increased by 60 per cent from SEK 30 million to SEK 48
and infrastructure are allowing us to grow together gradually without million in 2021, while the number of employees increased from around
compromising on either our quality or our professional pride,” says forty to almost sixty. This growth has mainly come about due to cases
Sven Knutsson, Chairman and Acting CEO of Klarahill. where the company represents private individuals in disputes, and also
systematic efforts to increase both intermediation and conversion of
THE RIGHT CONDITIONS IN PLACE cases from Klarahill to Verahill.
It’s important to offer a digital alternative so that more of the market
can be covered. People must find it easy to find a funeral home online Over the last year, Verahill also established a number of new
and receive practical and legal assistance even if they’re not physically external partnerships in the field of preventive family law, as it is known,
in attendance. That’s why digital funeral home Lova Funeral was taken including enduring power of attorney, wills and cohabitation agreements.
over in late 2020. It’s now an integral part of Klarahill and provides a
national complement to the Group’s local presence. “We’ve chosen to hold off on offering automated services to date,
because we want to be certain that the legal advice offered is of good
The growth in recent years wouldn’t have been possible without quality. That said, we’re closely monitoring the digital transformation
shared ownership, decentralised leadership and strong local brands. of the industry. We’re planning to offer a new digital service for 2022
The organisation can identify new customer needs quickly and offer which focuses on simpler probate services. This will advantageously
relevant solutions. The switch to digital funerals during the pandemic complement our existing offering and grow the business still further.
is one good example.
The company is aiming for further growth in 2022 by continuing to
“There’s been something of a thaw in the industry. We’re being invest in its priority areas, thereby ensuring a good balance of cases
approached by more and more funeral homes after they’ve talked to and less reliance on legal issues in the event of death. This will make
their colleagues in the industry. Klarahill offers both funeral homes and Verahill more attractive to young lawyers who have an interest in the
their employees a future. Being part of our community ensures that broad field of family law.”
support is provided when challenges are encountered, but it also places
companies in more of a position to create new opportunities. It relieves Sven Knutsson,
the burden on owners without them losing their influence. In simple Chairman
terms: Klarahill allows funeral homes to have their cake and eat it.”
Petra Segerdahl,
CEO of Verahill