Page 59 - MELLBY_MAGASIN_2021_EN
P. 59


“We have a unique opportunity
       to make a difference”

     There’s a major need to increase capacity when it comes to Swedish healthcare
 services so as to reduce the growing queues for healthcare. Perituskliniken can offer
  complementary services in this regard, mainly in the field of urology, and contracts
with the healthcare regions are vital as a way of helping to bring about faster diagnosis
  and treatment for more people. Perituskliniken offers “care without waiting”, which

          allows the clinic to really make a difference and be there for everybody.

The clinic gets its patients from three sources: contract patients       as minimising the risk of infection. Moreover, laser vaporisation is used
          from the Swedish healthcare regions in which Perituskliniken   to treat benign prostate enlargement, resulting in minimal discomfort
          is a contracted healthcare provider; via insurance companies;  and aftercare for patients.
or private patients who seek the services of the clinic directly.
Perituskliniken signed contracts with public and private healthcare        “We have oncologists, urologists and radiologists at the clinic, so we
providers in 2021, and there was a gradual increase in patient flows.    can also offer multidisciplinary conferences for patients who’ve been
                                                                         diagnosed with cancer. We’re the only private clinic offering this in
  “We thought getting contracts with the regions would be easier and     Sweden today.”
that there’d be more patients, but we maintain good communication
with the regions and are working to establish more of a presence so      MAJOR POTENTIAL FOR DEVELOPMENT
that we can show we’re there to help when the need arises. We’re         Resources are needed in order to build and establish a hospital.
expecting to see greater patient flows from 2022 onwards as people       Creating a new team while also managing complex regulatory and
simply can’t put off the treatment they need any longer.”                clinical requirements so as to ensure effective, safe care is both
                                                                         exciting and challenging.
   Perituskliniken was awarded a direct contract by Region Skåne in
2021 for the treatment of gynaecological cancer. The clinic also has a      Besides the fact that Perituskliniken already provides additional
healthcare guarantee agreement with Region Halland for benign urology.   capacity for Swedish healthcare services, there’s potential for
Perituskliniken signed health insurance contracts with a number of the   development in a range of areas. Going forward, the clinic will be
market’s major insurance companies, as well as concluding contracts      focusing on increasing its presence in the Swedish regions still further
with other private healthcare providers. Aleris, for example, performs   and exploring participation in training projects.
orthopaedic surgery on knee and hip patients four days a week.
                                                                           “We have a fantastic medical team. They have unique experience and
  “Private healthcare providers joining forces to bring down waiting     expertise in fields such as incontinence surgery. Not many people have
times is a new feature in Swedish healthcare.”                           that these days, so we can help to train more specialists in the field.”

BIG HOSPITAL IN A SMALL BODY                                                There will also be opportunities to go on working in partnership with
What sets Perituskliniken apart from other hospitals is that it          other private and public healthcare providers for surgical treatments
combines excellence and technology under one roof. Its modern            of women’s cancers such as breast cancer and gynaecological cancer,
facilities include diagnostics with a separate X-ray department          for example.
(offering MRI and PET/CT scans), specimen taking and operating
theatres with a robot for keyhole surgery.                                  There’s an ambition to establish Perituskliniken in the international
                                                                         arena. This will be achieved by means of research in radiology and
   Perituskliniken can live up to its motto, “care without waiting”, by  intestinal X-rays, for instance. As patient flows increase and statistical
having all parts of the investigation chain at its disposal. The same    data becomes sufficiently extensive, we are seeing more of an oppor-
investigations that take public healthcare services between 60 and 130   tunity to participate in major international research partnerships. The
days can be completed in around a fortnight here.                        clinic has received requests concerning participation in various clinical
                                                                         trials and is assessing opportunities in 2022.
  “No other private or public healthcare provider in the Nordic
countries offers the same quality at all stages, the way we do. Simply,    “Nobody has ever opened a private hospital of this magnitude, and
Perituskliniken is a big hospital in a small body.”                      Sweden has nothing else like it at the
                                                                         moment. We have a unique opportunity
   The use of new technologies sets Perituskliniken apart from other     to make a difference – here and now,
private healthcare providers. Most urology clinics in Sweden perform     certainly, but also in the long term.”
prostate biopsies without prior MRI examination using tissue samples
taken via the rectum. Perituskliniken uses what’s known as fusion                                  CEO Åsa Dahm
technology with both ultrasound and MRI, as well as samples taken via
the skin instead of the rectum. This method increases precision as well

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