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“The pandemic meant we
could demonstrate our
StudentConsulting has been finding jobs for students, graduates and
professionals for almost two decades. The recruitment agency’s database
– a network where jobseekers are digitally matched to the right jobs –
contains records for almost half a million people. The company’s turnover
broke the billion krona mark in 2021.
StudentConsulting was founded in the late 1990s by – among “The pandemic meant we could demonstrate our capabilities.
others – Tobias Lindfors, who is still the CEO. Things really started We’ve been seeing extreme demand for fast, flexible temporary staff
to take off in 2005, and at that time the company had a turnover management, and of course even candidates in our pool have to take
of SEK 32 million. The company is growing by about the same amount sick leave occasionally. But we decided early on in the pandemic to
today – but per month. Turnover reached SEK 1.2 billion in 2021, which invest and maximise our pool and not hold back, and that decision has
represents a 30 per cent increase compared with the previous year. really paid off.”
“Profitable growth is in our DNA. But there’s no such thing as a free StudentConsulting has significantly outperformed its competitors
lunch. None of our clients (companies looking for temporary staff) can during the pandemic and is now one of Scandinavia’s top ten
do what we do better or cheaper that we can – and that’s the key to our temporary staffing and recruitment companies. Moreover, its digital
success. This means we can go on improving what we deliver to our cli- screening is so effective that there are economies of scale to be had
ents: the right person for the right job, at the right time, at the right cost.” as more matching requests are received. That’s why the company’s
profitability is increasing more than its growth in sales.
AND MONEY FOR CLIENTS The company has identified a number of sectors in which is can
StudentConsulting’s activities include temporary staffing, temporary focus its activities: e-commerce, warehousing and logistics, transport,
staff management and recruitment of students, graduates and customer service, supply teachers, IT, finance and administration, and
professionals. Jobseekers register with the company and are placed in production.
a pool. The company’s digital matching system, known as SC Jobbot,
then suggests the right person for the right job. This digital preparator “These are all areas where there are frequent changes in the need for
work is now so advanced that it saves vast amounts of time and money. temporary staffing, and speed and flexibility are often key here.
There are almost half a million jobseekers in the pool at the moment,
and the system has been developed so that it now includes graduates StudentConsulting is also seeing strong growth in terms of
seeking temporary employment or permanent jobs. recruitment. Increasing numbers of exclusive contracts are being
signed with both companies and local authorities. The company has
“We’ve spent two decades building and refining the system. A new contracts with the municipalities of Boden, Luleå and Piteå regarding
consultancy app was launched in 2021, further upgrades to the system recruitment of both employees and managers.”
were launched and in early 2022 along with an enhanced application
for scheduling and job passport orders. Based on what the client StudentConsulting is at the forefront in private employment
orders, the system suggests the right people for the job and sends out services, taking the highest employment percentage among all
passport requests to candidates. The candidates then respond and the companies. It’s anticipated that volumes in this field will increase still
client/ordering party receives the appointed job passports.” further in years to come, as parts of the employment service are to be
outsourced more widely to private operators.
As stated, the StudentConsulting matching system contains
more than 500,000 candidates and 17,022 clients, and 15,878 job “According to Evimetrix, StudentConsulting has taken the title of
placements were made at 206 assignment locations in Sweden, having the most satisfied customers in the temporary staffing industry;
Norway and Denmark in 2021. for the seventh consecutive year. With an increase in turnover of
around SEK 300 million in 2021 along with doubling of profitability, we
start 2022 with our strong growth ongoing and are continuing just as
StudentConsulting underwent accelerated growth during the
pandemic. Large numbers of staff on sick leave in many workplaces
created a major need for temps and substitute staff, not least in the
country’s schools.