Page 73 - MELLBY_MAGASIN_2021_EN
P. 73


Business developer taking
      companies from

   promising to leading

Filip Eliasson has been working on business development at Mellby Gård since
 August 2020. After spending nearly six years in Stockholm, he decided it was
time for new challenges at home in Skåne. His job at Mellby Gård combines the
  best of both worlds – strategic development of the company’s portfolio, and

   hands-on work by providing support on various company-specific issues.

Alongside his work, Filip enjoys spending his free time working              making them better and more competitive, given their respective
          out in a variety of ways, such as weight training, running and     circumstances and challenges.”
          cycling. He also likes spending time with family and friends,
enjoying a nice dinner or an enjoyable activity such as a day in the         NEW PROJECTS DESPITE THE PANDEMIC
countryside or visiting an art exhibition. He and his fiancée are also       In the light of the COVID-19 pandemic, 2021 was a year where Mellby
busy on various projects at their home, which he finds both relaxing         Gård faced many new challenges as companies needed different types
and instructive.                                                             of support in their business transformation. In spite of this, Mellby
                                                                             Gård has not been resting on its laurels. Instead, the company has
  “The best thing about my job is the variety; having the opportunity        continued to get projects off the ground together with the portfolio
to work with different companies and different industries and develop        companies. One such example is a start-up initiative that’s aiming to
them over time. I work with our companies on an operational level, but       invest in innovative water treatment solutions. This project is being
I also work with Mellby Gård’s investment strategy on a general level.       run by Mellby Gård colleagues Mikael and Filip together with the
As far as the latter is concerned, there’s a bit of a delicate challenge     portfolio company Feralco.
for us in that we have a strong balance sheet. Taking the Mellby Gård
investment philosophy as our starting point, I’m absolutely sure we            “I’m really pleased we’ve formalised this concept. It’s an initiative
have everything we need to fulfil our investment ambitions, and being        offering lots of potential. Access to clean water is a crucial issue on a
part of this journey is just brilliant.”                                     global level, and it’s clear that humans need to start managing water
                                                                             as a finite resource, both now and in the future. We can ensure its
   As far as Filip is concerned, there are lots of advantages to working at  availability by means of smart technologies and solutions. We can really
Mellby Gård. Besides the variety, he highlights Mellby Gård’s strong core    benefit from Feralco’s expertise in this regard when we’re evaluating
values that the company works with and that permeate it: he feels these      companies to invest in. Feralco has built up extensive know-how in
make the job really stimulating. He also perceives enormous strength in      the field of water treatment and water treatment chemicals over time,
the long-term investment and ownership profile.                              along with legislation in the field. Feralco’s know-how in combination
                                                                             with Mellby Gård’s ability to develop companies makes us a perfect
  “It goes without saying that I really enjoy going to work when I know      partner for many entrepreneurs in this industry.”
we’re doing something great. We have a major impact on society and
welfare as owners of our companies, but we’re humble in that regard             Filip is also looking forward to 2022, when he hopes the water
and rarely brag about our contribution. Maybe we could give ourselves        initiative will culminate in some exciting investments. He also thinks
the occasional pat on the back!”                                             it’ll be interesting to monitor the ongoing development of the portfolio
                                                                             companies as society returns to the new normal in the wake of the
LONG-TERM CORPORATE DEVELOPMENT                                              pandemic. He sees a need for greater emphasis on sustainability
“Mellby Gård focuses on long-term ownership and corporate                    issues and continued digitalisation for both companies and investors
development, which I think is healthy. We have a different horizon           in years to come.
from lots of other investment companies, which creates different
circumstances for our companies. It can also help make us more                 “We have to remain humble when it comes to issues such as sustain-
attractive when we talk to entrepreneurs. I reckon most companies            ability and digitalisation and go on working on the basis of our core val-
in Sweden know who Mellby Gård are and what we stand for – that              ues. Our established business logic will guide us in our choice of invest-
we’re a respected and persevering owner that maintains a long-term           ments within the scope of existing businesses as well as in the pursuit
perspective and gives companies every chance to grow.”                       of new acquisitions, and it’ll help us not to fall into the embellishment
                                                                             trap. Going forward, both sustainability and digitalisation must form an
   Mellby Gård is specifically known for the long-term nature of its         integral part of every company’s business. This will be key to the value
investments. They represent secure, stable ownership and join their          created for – and demanded by – customers, and hence to companies’
companies in their development. They take companies from promising           competitiveness as well. In my view, we have an important part to play
to leading, with emphasis on active ownership.                               in this as owners, together with our companies.”

  “We don’t generally buy companies with a view to selling them
on. I’m absolutely sure we can go on developing our companies and

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