Page 76 - MELLBY_MAGASIN_2021_EN
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Eriksberg is now about to embark upon another spectacular hotel The unique environment is inspiring. The first humans who were here
initiative. The new freestanding wooden building was designed by were aware of this 10,000 years ago, and it’s still true today. Places
Oskar Årevall and is shaped like a boat, with all rooms overlooking the like Eriksberg are needed in order to show the urbanised population
Savannah. This hotel, with the working name Arken – The Ark – will how animals and nature actually function. Founder Bengt Berg took
invite guests to embark upon a journey that will teach them more this as his starting point in the 1940s when he created the Mahraviken
about animals and nature. Just like in Noah’s time. biological experimental area. This is still the Eriksberg business
concept, and the philosophy lives on with the family that now owns it.
“We’re aiming to enrich the experience at Eriksberg on the basis of
nature. We want to blur the boundaries between indoors and outdoors, “Having Mellby Gård as the owner is absolutely vital to the running of
and make nature accessible 365 days a year.” Eriksberg. We might have ideas and ambitions, but without our owners
we’d never have been able to either establish or, indeed, develop
The new hotel is designed and will be built with emphasis on the business. Like now, with the latest Arken hotel initiative and the
sustainability so as to minimise its environmental impact. This is also exciting journey ahead.”
the aim with the choice of façade and roof, which will be made of wood
and sedum, as well as heating, ventilation and operation. The hotel 2022 heralds the 80th anniversary of the founding of Eriksberg, and
rooms will also have obvious environmental themes so as to enhance preparations for the anniversary year are in full swing. Exhibitions and
the natural experience still further. Completion of the new Arken Hotel lectures are planned in order to highlight the farm’s natural heritage
is expected in 2023. and significance. Eriksberg is a place that leaves an impression – and
it’s hoped that future generations will agree.
CEO Per-Arne Olsson and Chairman Sten Libell