Page 75 - MELLBY_MAGASIN_2021_EN
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The biggest safari park in the Nordic region can be found just The aim is to create a year-round destination where sustainability
outside Karlshamn in Blekinge. There’s an exclusive hotel, and design help to reinforce the experience and the links with nature.
restaurant and conference facility here, nestling in the forest, 2021 was a better year than 2020 overall, with visitor numbers
mountains and archipelago. The nature and wildlife are the main increasing from 60,000 to 80,000.
Nature is always at the heart of any visit to Eriksberg Hotel & Nature NATURE
Reserve. In combination with world-class architecture and design, Blekinge is short on hotel accommodation. But Eriksberg is aiming to
visitors are offered an unparalleled and unexpected experience. Quite change that – in its own way. The emphasis here is on unique, natural
simply, Eriksberg is a place that meets the highest expectations and accommodation combined with the very best of architecture and
where people make memories that last a lifetime. Eriksberg leaves its design. SynVillan, the Illusion Villa, is made of stainless steel, reflecting
mark on everyone who visits. the countryside and becoming one with the environment. This building
was designed by SandellSandberg and won both the 2020 Karlshamn
“We’ve had a decent year even though we’ve been under restrictions. Urban Design Award and the 2021 Sheet Metal Award.
Staycations have become the obvious choice for many people. What
we have to offer competes with beaches and swimming in summer, but “We’re always on the lookout for new ways to evolve, and part of this
we’ve managed to make up for it with coach trips and conferences for involves working with renowned architects. It opens up completely
the rest of the year.” new channels, and raising our profile in exclusive design and travel
magazines gives people more of an interest in us.”