Page 81 - MELLBY_MAGASIN_2021_EN
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Trelleborgs FF – a force
to be reckoned with
The ambition for Trelleborgs FF is for football to be accessible to everybody
in the city. Off the pitch, the association is a force to be reckoned with,
using locally based initiatives to create a sense of hope for the future
among young people and adults alike. The ability to see every individual
and understand the city’s needs allows Trelleborgs FF to build long-term
relationships and remain a strong association.
The association is an integral part of Trelleborg for the “We run a series of initiatives and activities as part of “TFF – A
city’s residents. Trelleborgs FF offers all boys and girls the force to be reckoned with” so that we can help improve our local
opportunity to be active by playing football. No fewer than community.” The “Motivationslyftet för unga idrottare” [Motivation
600 young people and more than 100 leaders are active members boost for young athletes] project is just one of many successful
of the club. Trelleborgs FF cherishes its club activities and wants its examples. This partnership project is the first of its kind in Sweden,
activities to benefit everybody. This is why Trelleborgs FF actively and Trelleborgs FF’s youth players work with self-leadership and
work to get more people in the city moving. take responsibility for their training, schooling and health in order to
prevent mental illness both now and in the future.
“We can see there’s a real need to encourage people to be active.
Many young people nowadays don’t exercise, unfortunately, which DESIRE TO STRENGTHEN COHESION IN TRELLEBORG
affects both their physical and mental health. We’re also seeing a trend “We also give lectures to Year 4 students at schools, entitled “Vi i
where young people decide to drop football and club activities as they
get older. We want to use our activities to offer children and young rörelse” [We’re on the move]. At weekends and during holidays, we
people the opportunity to give football a try and enjoy meaningful open up our sports halls and football pitches by way of an extension to
leisure time. Our activities are designed for both boys and girls, and we this lecture so that children and young people can have the chance to
use long-term approaches to make sure football is an integral part of play and get themselves moving.”
the children’s lives.”
Trelleborgs FF also works with selective measures with a view to
STRONG COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT reinforcing cohesion in the city. The club has held a fundraiser for the
All active members of Trelleborgs FF – members, leaders and football refuge for women in the city, for instance, and the association visited
players – live by the association’s core values, which are characterised old people’s homes in 2021. Trelleborgs FF is now looking forward to a
by humility, a sense of community, openness and respect for the new year, with new opportunities together with partners.
equal worth of all people. These core values permeate everything the
association does and form part of specific activities both on and off “Our long-term partnerships with the business community are
the pitch. Trelleborg FF runs “TFF – En kraft i samhället” [TFF – A force incredibly valuable. We maintain continuous lines of communication
to be reckoned with], which is the umbrella name for all community with Mellby Gård on how we can improve the association and the
initiatives run by the association. cooperation with various stakeholders. We’re looking to 2022 with
confidence, and we’re hoping to achieve superb results both on the
pitch and in the community.”