P. 11


Sustainability key to future
   of clothing companies

     When Thomas Gustafsson and Sven Knutsson, both Deputy CEOs at
    Mellby Gård, analyze the Group’s ready-to-wear clothing companies,
 they point out three general trends: The Group’s omni-strategy has been
   successful, runaway costs have necessitated significant price increases

            and sustainability is crucial to the future of the industry.

By the end of 2021, the pandemic seemed to be over and many               COMPENSATION FOR COST INCREASES
           people predicted a more normal 2022.                           2022 has been characterized by large cost increases for virtually all
             “We breathed a sigh of relief after the pandemic, which      inputs. During the year, there have been many discussions within the
 wasn’t nearly as bad for us as we’d feared,” says Thomas Gustafsson.     Group about price increases to compensate for costs. “How much can
“On the contrary.” For the first two months of 2022, the feeling of       we raise them by? What’s the competition doing?” Pricing is key for
 positivity from the end of 2021 prevailed, after which the terrible war  Mellby Gård and the Group continuously works with pricing as a tool.
 in Ukraine struck.
                                                                            “In general, the companies have managed the price increases very
   “If we look specifically at the performance of our two ready-to-wear   well,” says Thomas Gustafsson. “Our long-term belief is that cost
 clothing companies, Kappahl and Oscar Jacobson, over the last three      increases will gradually abate, which is why it’s important for us to
 years, it has clearly emerged how demand and trading patterns differ     compensate over time so we can pick up the gross margin later. There
 between the companies,” Thomas Gustafsson continues. “During the         has been some concern in a few of the companies about raising
 pandemic, customers stopped shopping in stores, leading to a rapid       prices too aggressively, and we’ve played an important role in helping
 and dramatic drop in sales. Where Kappahl was concerned, sales           ensure that their reasoning is constructive in this regard.”
 rose again very quickly thanks to e-commerce, which doubled. But for
 Oscar Jacobson, recovery was slow.”                                        “There’s a big difference between companies able to compensate
                                                                          themselves with a more or less general percentage increase, as many
   “In hindsight, this was a logical development,” Thomas Gustafsson      of our industrial companies have done, and companies like Kappahl
 argues. “People weren’t allowed to be in the workplace; instead          and Oscar Jacobson, which have to work product by product to
 they worked from home in clothes they usually lounged around in.         ultimately achieve the same overall effect,” says Sven Knutsson.
They weren’t allowed to go to pubs, organize major birthday parties,
 weddings, etc. So there was no need for Oscar Jacobson’s products. On      “There’s a specific pricing mechanism in the clothing industry that
 the other hand, Kappahl’s basic offering was much sought after, and at   uses what are known as price points, with companies really having
 one point, sweatpants were Kappahl’s best-selling men’s garment.”        to fine-tune their prices,” he explains. “Let’s say a garment costs SEK
                                                                          299 and you want to increase it to 329, but there’s no price point. The
   “Oscar Jacobson came back with a vengeance in 2022 and the             price must then either be left unchanged or be raised to the closest
 company enjoyed a record year,” says Sven Knutsson. “The                 price point, which in this case is 349. We’ve worked our way through
 underlying trend then headed in the opposite direction. Offices          the ranges like this, garment by garment – a huge task that overall
 were open, weddings and 50th birthday parties could be organized,        meant that we were more or less able to compensate for the cost
 conference facilities and hotels were fully booked. Consumers once       increases we were affected by.”
 again needed to buy a new suit, or other office or party wear. Based
 on what we’re seeing in terms of bookings at hotels and major events,
 demand for Oscar Jacobson’s products looks set to remain high in
 the first half of 2023.”

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