P. 14

Sustainability at the heart
       of current and future

    Long-term, responsible and active ownership are the cornerstones of Mellby
     Gård’s investment philosophy. With a sharper focus on sustainability in all
      business activities, this philosophy is more relevant than ever. The Mellby
     Gård Group is now ready to step up its sustainability efforts and generate

                                     even more positive change.

    Mellby Gård’s commitment to sustainability can be                           the owner company and with other companies in the Group, partly
                  divided into three levels: the work that takes place in the   because we as the Group parent want and need to become more
                  parent company Mellby Gård AB, the sustainability work        active in this work,” says Johan Andersson. “We strongly believe in
    conducted in all companies in the Mellby Gård Group and finally             continuing to take a decentralized approach to sustainability efforts,
    the way in which new investments are valued. All the work is based          but at the same time, we in the parent company must be clearer
    on Mellby Gård’s ownership philosophy – the Mellby model – which            about what we expect from our companies, and together we need to
    focuses on long-term, responsible and active ownership. This is             establish a common framework that will apply to everyone.”
    combined with a strong social commitment.
                                                                                   The common framework for sustainability will include a set of
      “Where Mellby Gård is concerned, sustainability in the broader            common metrics (KPIs). Again, the hope is for those companies that
    perspective is about helping to tackle major societal challenges,” says     are well advanced in their sustainability efforts to share knowledge
    Mellby Gård CEO Johan Andersson. “We’re seeing a major shift in the         and working methods for data collection with those that need a
    business world and what is expected of us as a group, where it’s no         little extra support.
    longer sufficient to be able to describe the ‘what’ of your business, but
    also the ‘how’ and the ‘why’. That’s why we’re secure in the Mellby model,     Sustainability is also becoming an increasingly important factor
    which gives us a clear direction and purpose in what we do, so that we      when Mellby Gård makes a valuation of companies to potentially
    can help effect positive change for the environment and society.”           invest in. Given the Mellby model’s focus on the long-term,
                                                                                sustainability – and having a sustainability mindset in your business
       Today, the Mellby Gård Group comprises 15 companies in various           model – is about identifying companies that are relevant over time.
    industries. This naturally means that companies face different
    requirements and have different levels of maturity when it comes              “Sustainability is certainly an important aspect when we look at
    to their own sustainability efforts. Where this is concerned, Mellby        new investments,” says Johan Andersson. “If we don’t get the right
    Gård has always been supportive of those companies that want to             answers to our questions, we prefer to refrain from an investment
    be at the forefront, but also acted as a sounding board for those           or acquisition. On the other hand, we get even more excited about
    companies that have required extra support. There is now a clear            companies that have a strong, positive impact on society and the
    change regarding the issue of sustainability, linked in particular to       environment via their business. A sustainable business concept
    the forthcoming EU legislation, in which the parent company of a            is quite simply more attractive to us, because it demonstrates
    group is expected to have a more defined coordinating role in the           the company’s ability to survive in the long term – and attract
    sustainability efforts that take place in all its subsidiaries.             customers, skills and capital.”

      “So far, work on sustainability at Mellby Gård has largely been           WANTS TO GENERATE POSITIVE CHANGE IN SOCIETY
    performed within each individual company, with our support,” says           Mellby Gård’s sustainability efforts also include the company’s
    Johan Andersson. “Most companies manage their sustainability                extensive social commitment, where they provide financial support
    efforts perfectly well on their own, clearly integrating them in their      to a number of individuals and organizations working on one of the
    business models. But there will be changes in requirements for our          issues close to Mellby Gård’s heart.
    sustainability efforts for us as a group and for all our companies in
    the coming years, and we need to decide how to tackle that.”                  “I’m aware that there are differences of opinion on whether
                                                                                philanthropy should be considered part of sustainability, but
    A COMMON FRAMEWORK                                                          for us, as a small operation with large assets, we see it as an
    In order to meet more exacting requirements and higher expectations,        opportunity and a duty to give back to society and help effect
    the Mellby Gård Group is currently working hard to establish a              positive change,” says Johan Andersson. “We’re particularly
    common approach to sustainability going forward.                            passionate about issues related to children’s rights, young people’s
                                                                                educational opportunities, labor market and skills supply issues,
      “When we get to 2023, we’ll form a joint body with selected               entrepreneurship and sports and health. You can read more about
    companies in the Group, enabling them to share knowledge with us as         this in several places in this year’s magazine.”

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