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WANTS TO MEET CUSTOMERS IN STORE AND ONLINE                                that they can withstand being worn 50, 70 or even 100 times. The
Among Kappahl’s competitors, those focusing on e-commerce have             next challenge is to create new business models, such as offering to
experienced a major decline after the pandemic. The reality has            mend clothes or making second-hand a natural part of the business.”
changed and it has become clear that consumers also want to be able
to shop in physical stores.                                                   A specific example of this is Sustain by Oscar Jacobson in
                                                                           Stockholm, a brand new store concept that combines sustainability
  “We’ve always stuck to our omni-strategy, that is, that the consumer     with experiences. The items sold include clothes that consumers
wants to be able to move between stores and e-commerce, and                return and in exchange receive a voucher that can be used to buy
this has been successful,” says Thomas Gustafsson. “During the             new garments. You can also buy sample garments there that have
pandemic, a lot of people talked about the death of the store, as          been hanging in the stores, as well as test garments made in just a
the focus was on e-commerce. But 2022 has shown that it’s not a            few copies.
question of ‘either or’, but rather ‘both’.”
                                                                             “We’re curious about new, exciting and sustainable ideas at
SUSTAINABILITY GENERATES NEW OPPORTUNITIES                                 Kappahl and want to invest in them,” says Thomas Gustafsson. “The
Sustainability is becoming increasingly important in the clothing          management team has a clear mandate to not only focus on the
industry. In Sweden, each person buys around 14 kg of clothes per          garments but also on the offering to consumers. We want to be able
year, a level that needs to be radically reduced. The industry takes in    to implement the concepts in the stores, but we’re not quite there yet.
too many garments, and as much as 30 percent has to be sold off at         Among other things, we’re looking at rentals, especially of children’s
a discount. The Swedish Trade Federation has estimated that each           clothing. Children grow quickly and have a constant need for clothes
item of clothing is used on average seven times, a figure that needs to    in bigger sizes. There’s an interesting market in this area.”
increase significantly in the coming years.
                                                                             “Some of these sustainable changes can be driven by the
  “The big sustainability issue in the ready-to-wear clothing industry     companies themselves – others require the industry to work together,”
is that we need to get much better at assessing demand,” says Sven         says Sven Knutsson. “The companies should be able to improve the
Knutsson. “Consumer behavior is largely based on the clothing’s            quality of their garments, but to establish new consumer behavior,
disposability. But almost a third of garments being sold at a discount     the major players need to work together to increase the volume in
is not sustainable. The industry needs to take action to produce           question. When regulation is introduced, the industry will change
garments that are so attractive and durable that they can be used          rapidly as consumers recognize the benefits of the new systems.
multiple times. This will require a major adjustment.”                    There are likely to be some big changes over the next few years.”

   New EU directives are constantly being introduced, requiring              “Clothing is a matter of economics,” says Thomas Gustafsson.
garments to be clearly labelled with the materials they are made of,      “It’s important that there are clothes for everyone, which is why
to be easy to repair and for sellers to offer to take them back once the   legislators are somewhat more cautious. Sustainability is crucial
person has finished wearing them.                                          for the future and generates opportunities. We shouldn’t wait for
                                                                           regulation but instead be at the forefront, curious and working on
  “The big change concerns how many times the garments can be              concrete solutions.”
used,” says Sven Knutsson. “They have to be of such good quality

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