P. 25


Pioneer and inspiration
in a criticized industry

Working on sustainability in a highly criticized industry                   level of ambition is also reflected in the corporate environment,
               is challenging. Greater demands and expectations             which is conducive to trying out new solutions.
               from customers and legislative changes to ensure that
companies actually carry out sustainability work and strengthen               “Here, everyone’s open to trying new things,” says Lina Nyqvist.
transparency made their clear mark on Kappahl’s sustainability efforts     “This year, for example, we had a ‘circular Lucia’ campaign, where
in 2022, according to Lina Nyqvist, Sustainability Manager at Kappahl.      customers could submit garments for the children’s Lucia procession
                                                                            in exchange for a voucher. We were able to sell these garments on to
  “Our customers are increasingly well informed and expect our              other youngsters celebrating Lucia. For some time now we’ve been
products to be manufactured from sustainably produced materials,”           offering our christening dress from Newbie for hire, which has been
she says. “It’s then crucial that we as a fashion company can present       very popular. All these initiatives may eventually be something we
them with real solutions!”                                                  can do on a larger scale.”

   Kappahl takes a broad view of sustainability. The company works             All the work has started to pay off. In the fall of 2022, Kappahl
on improving the quality and choice of materials to extend the life of      was presented with Miljö & Utveckling magazine’s environmental
the garments. The design is more time- and season-oriented and less         strategy award on the grounds that the company is an inspiration
based on temporary trends – and for some brands, such as Minories,          and a pioneer in sustainability in a highly criticized industry – key
is even gender-neutral. Kappahl is exploring circular business models,      confirmation that the company is on the right track. But there are still
on its own initiative and with third parties. And it has launched a pilot   many issues left to work on.
with software developer TrusTrace, initially to map and track the
entire denim production chain.                                                “The key sustainability issue in the fashion industry is to ensure
                                                                            the longevity of clothing,” says Lina Nyqvist. “We as a company can
  “All the initiatives we ran during the year have given us plenty of       do a lot in this regard in terms of design and production, but also
valuable experience,” says Lina Nyqvist. “In our circular projects,         by offering guidance on how to take care of garments. We need to
we’ve gained insights into the demands placed on a garment when             better educate our customers to understand the impact of their
the plan is for it to be used several times and by several people,          consumption and how to make sustainable choices. Transparent
which places higher demands on the quality of the garment. The              communication will be one of the areas we’ll be
TrusTrace pilot is also new this year. To make all our garments more        working on even more in the future!”
sustainable, we need to keep a close eye on the entire value chain –
down to every button – which we’ll now be able to do. We’re starting                                    Lina Nyqvist,
with denim and are aiming for the traceability to encompass all                          Sustainability Manager
Kappahl products within a few years.”

   Sustainability efforts are well established in the company’s
business strategy. For several years, a matrix structure has been used
to more clearly link sustainability excellence to different functions.
That organization was further strengthened in 2022. Kappahl’s high

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