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Sustainability efforts do not stop once the garments have left the          E-COMMERCE ON THE RISE
    stores either. A second-hand venture has been launched in Sweden            Development is already underway, for example of the Newbie brand,
    and Norway, the aim being for increasing numbers of Kappahl’s               which now has its own e-commerce website in 20 countries. The
    customers to be able to buy circular fashion.                               launch has been well received.

    INVESTMENTS DURING PANDEMIC YEARS PAYING OFF                                  “We want to grow in new markets, in new channels and reach
    2022 was an eventful year for Kappahl. The company was affected             more customers,” says Elisabeth Peregi. “So far, Kappahl has always
    by the global situation, including wage inflation, higher costs for         operated through its own sales channels, either physical stores or
    raw materials and transport and, on top of that, a weakening of the         its own e-commerce. This will continue to be our main track in our
    Swedish krona. Nevertheless, the year was the second best in the            existing markets. But we’ll also start selling via external channels,
    Group’s history after the record year of 2021, when there was pent-up       such as the major e-commerce platforms.”
    consumer demand after the pandemic.
                                                                                   The first step in this direction was taken during the year by
      “Our costs went up in 2022, but so did our sales,” says Elisabeth         establishing sales operations at the British department store and
    Peregi. “2022 saw fantastic results overall, even if profits were slightly  e-commerce company John Lewis & Partners.
    lower than the previous year. But it should be remembered that we’re
    comparing it with a record year. Kappahl is doing very well!”                 “Our business concept is to celebrate the diversity of everyday life,
                                                                                offering affordable and responsible fashion in a simple and inspiring
       The background to Kappahl’s ability to meet the challenges is the        manner,” says Elisabeth Peregi. “We need to be there for a lot of
    substantial work already carried out during the pandemic to provide         people, so we also need to be present in many places, both physically
    the company with the conditions to grow. Firstly, the branding              and digitally.”
    strategy was developed, combined with a review of target groups and
    the offers aimed at them. Secondly, extensive IT investments were
    made in customer and cash register systems. This type of investment
    is not visible to the customer but has enabled Kappahl to take the
    next step towards profitable growth.

                                                                                Elisabeth Peregi, CEO

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