P. 69


       Head of accounting
      who isn’t afraid of a


     Karin Miller is an accountant who doesn’t let challenges get in the way of
 achieving her goals. She moved her entire family from Seattle to Malmö so she
could take the job at Mellby Gård where, after two years at the company, she took
up the position of Head of Accounting in January 2023. Outside of work, her three

                 children, skiing and yoga take up much of her free time.

In 2019 Karin Miller, her husband and their three daughters moved         as a parent and as a full-time employee. Skiing is one of Karin Miller’s
       from Seattle, USA, to Sweden. After a year in her home town        favorite things to do on vacation with her family. It offers a winning
      of Lidköping, she was offered a job as an accountant at Mellby      combination of physical activity and delicious meals afterwards. They
 Gård. Karin Miller had applied for another position, but the recruiter   also try to travel and experience other places in Europe when they
 thought that her previous workplace was very similar to Mellby Gård      can, something that partly motivated their move to southern Sweden.
 and suggested her for that position instead.
                                                                             When Rolf Andersson retired, Karin Miller took over the role of
   “I read up on Mellby Gård and it seemed like a great fit for me,”      Head of Accounting. She trained in preparation for this new role,
 she says. “I was very determined to make it work, so we found            working alongside Rolf throughout the year. At the same time, she
 accommodation and schools at short notice. We saw the move as a          also made preparations for Tamara Dubyna to take over her role.
 manageable challenge. Our big move from the US made this move
 comparatively much easier. Although moving is always stressful, we         “My new role as Head of Accounting feels very exciting,” she says.
 kept our eyes on the prize – a life in Malmö!”                          “Rolf has provided great support while I’ve been learning the job, but
                                                                          now I can stand on my own two feet, which feels good! I really like to
    But moving from Seattle was not a foregone conclusion.                challenge myself. That’s how you develop in your professional role
   “If I’d known in advance there were companies like Mellby Gård in      and as a person.”
 Sweden, we could have moved from the US earlier,” says Karin Miller.
“A lot of things are better in Sweden, although I sometimes miss the         What Karin Miller likes most about Mellby Gård is the fact that
 range of activities available in a large city along with my friends      the tasks are varied and the subsidiaries so different. Alongside her
 and my husband’s family. We aren’t as car-dependent as in the US,        accounting work, Karin Miller particularly appreciates the possibility
 because our children can walk to school, I can bike to work, and we      to gain an insight into the various opportunities and challenges of
 live in a great location close to stores and services.”                  the subsidiaries. She always looks forward to getting out and meeting
                                                                          even more of the companies.
 Yoga and skiing have become major interests for Karin Miller. She          “I feel very much at home at Mellby Gård,” she says. “It’s a pleasant
 practices Yin Yang Yoga – a mix between meditative and strength          working environment and my colleagues are the best imaginable.
 yoga. Yoga has been a great help in finding a balance between her life   Between them there’s so much expertise, and everyone helps each
                                                                          other out. Together we’re working towards the same goal – to keep
                                                                          Mellby Gård thriving!”

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