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                SNS HUB

SNS – Center for Business and Policy Studies – is a non-                 project, which was concluded last year. The project analyzed the tax
         profit organization and learning and knowledge exchange         system from the perspective of how globalization and technological
         hub that brings together business, academia, politics and       development have changed the Swedish economy. A fundamental
administration. Its activities include research projects, conferences    question was what should be taxed in the future.
and training on key societal issues. With the help of a broad research
network in Sweden and internationally, SNS produces around 20              “Participants in the reference group enable the research projects
relevant research reports each year. Mellby Gård has been a member       by helping to fund the projects,” says Charlotte Paulie. “At the same
of SNS since 1995.                                                       time, they provide us with their time and knowledge, which is just as
                                                                         important and valuable to us. This drives our work forward and helps
  “Mellby Gård is involved in SNS’ activities in many ways,” says        us identify and highlight the most important issues that are relevant
Charlotte Paulie, Research Director, “partly as members of the network,  to policy.”
which helps us to be a leading hub for key issues in society, but also
by participating in reference groups for our research projects and as                            Charlotte Paulie,
speakers at seminars where we provide our perspective on society.”                      Research Director, SNS

    2022 saw the launch of the Crime and Society research project,
which will run until 2024. Mellby Gård helps finance the studies.
The research project hopes to answer the question of how to tackle
crime that has a major negative impact on society. Mellby Gård was
also part of the reference group for the Taxes in a globalized world


The Fair Tax Litigation charitable foundation helps individuals          attended online seminar with the Swedish Bar Association. It has
          and small businesses who have been unfairly treated in tax     also published a report mapping the application of the rules on tax
          proceedings. Since its establishment in 2016, the foundation   surcharges in the courts, with an accompanying op-ed in Swedish
has helped a number of people pursue their cases in court by funding     newspaper Svenska Dagbladet, and organized several meetings with
legal costs. The foundation is a non-profit, has a fundraising account   experts, stakeholders and politicians.
granted by Swedish Fundraising Control and is entirely funded by
donations. Fair Tax Litigation also works to promote education,             Mellby Gård’s support for the foundation means that they have
research and public debate to raise awareness of the importance of       been able to engage in more in-depth research on the application of
legally secure and fair tax litigation.                                  the law in tax litigation, continue to represent clients who have been
                                                                         unfairly treated and raise awareness of the foundation’s activities.
   In addition to its board and executive member, Fair Tax Litigation
has a non-profit tax council that includes Mellby Gård’s own tax            In 2023 they plan to launch additional new appeals, carry out a
manager Magnus Brokelind, as well as several other expert lawyers.       review of how compensation is awarded for costs in tax cases and
                                                                         follow up on the foundation’s 2018 survey of Swedish lawyers on the
   Over the past year, the foundation has closed a case that has been    quality of the administrative courts. The foundation will also promote
pursued since 2021, dealt with a large number of new enquiries and       policy reforms to strengthen legal security for taxpayers.
launched an appeal in a new case. In addition it organized a well-

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