P. 67


        A challenging year
focused on customer relations

 2022 was the year when Söderberg & Haak planned to take its feet off the
brakes and move up a gear. Instead, they focused on adaptability, flexibility
 and sensitivity. The company quite simply had to modify its expectations

      and its strategy to focus instead on the customer relationship and
                          stewardship of its business concept.

Söderberg & Haak has established partnerships with a variety            it along with our aftermarket organization, ensuring that we keep the
         of customer categories in the Swedish market, both large and   customer and that they’re satisfied. We’ve come a long way in this
         small. Through these relationships and the relationships with  work, but there’s always scope to improve and refine it further.”
suppliers in Japan, Germany, the UK and Denmark, they have felt the
impact of many of the world-changing events that characterized 2022,       In order to increase customer satisfaction, more investments
according to CEO Jonas Jaenecke.                                        are being made in sales and aftermarket resources in different
                                                                        geographical areas of the country. The company is also hiring
  “It’s been a very special year,” he says. “We’ve followed the market  additional specialists to improve its positioning in relation to the
closely and accelerated and decelerated where possible to adapt         market, customers and retailers.
to the external environment. We had recently changed our financial
direction and wanted to start moving forward, but the outbreak of the   INTRODUCTION OF MORE SUSTAINABLE CONSTRUCTION
war in Ukraine created a lot of uncertainty in the market and among     MACHINERY
our customers. The inputs and components for both agriculture and       The construction and agricultural machinery industry is lagging
construction activities became more expensive and more difficult to     behind the automotive industry in terms of electrification
obtain, which has been and continues to be tough for us and many of     and sustainable products, but customer interest is growing.
our customers.”                                                         Manufacturers started presenting electric machines at trade fairs in
                                                                        2022, and some manufacturers have launched a few models on the
    Despite market uncertainty, sales of construction machinery         market.
exceeded the company’s forecasts. The market has remained strong
with many ongoing projects, but the future is still uncertain. Ongoing    “There’s great interest among our larger customers when it comes
projects in the housing market will be completed, but not many new      to electrified products, but we’re also seeing smaller construction
ones are in the pipeline. This may be offset by a greater need for      customers start to look at electrified options now that diesel prices
infrastructure and other projects, particularly in northern Sweden.     are so high,” says Jonas Jaenecke. “Developments will be determined
Sales of agricultural machinery are likely to remain stable. Depending  by availability, pricing and the charging infrastructure being in place.”
on what they grow and produce, some farmers are more affected by
the global situation than others.                                          Within the field of sustainability, Söderberg & Haak tries to
                                                                        influence what it can as an intermediary and importer. This includes
  “Our agricultural customers have been affected by higher input        reviewing transport efficiency and evaluating a project that involves
prices, and livestock farmers in particular have found it difficult to  installing solar panels at the facilities. Internally, they conduct
compensate for this, while grain farmers had a good year in 2022,”      environmental and health inspections to ensure a safe working
says Jonas Jaenecke. “Overall, we believe that our customers will be    environment and are developing a digital employee survey to
slightly cautious when it comes to making investments in agricultural   measure staff well-being on a regular basis.
machinery in 2023.”
                                                                          “I think we have fantastic employees who, under challenging
SHARPER FOCUS ON CUSTOMER RELATIONS                                     circumstances, demonstrate a wonderful fighting spirit that helps
In order to tackle the uncertainties in the market in 2022, Söderberg   create the pleasant atmosphere we have at Söderberg & Haak,” says
& Haak chose to focus even more sharply on customer relations.          Jonas Jaenecke. “Mellby Gård continues to be a secure long-term
Post-pandemic there are now opportunities to meet customers at          owner that provides us with support and assistance in various
trade fairs again, which is important in the industry. In addition the  processes – and we’re very grateful for that!”
company is able to spend more time at the customer’s premises to
understand their day-to-day work, difficulties and needs, and adapt        This interview was conducted in December
its work accordingly. There are also plans to develop the aftermarket      2022 with Jonas Jaenecke, who was
offering in terms of service, technical support and spare parts.           CEO at the time. Gustaf Thuresson
                                                                           has been CEO of Söderberg & Haak
  “We want to maintain our good reputation in the market,                  since May 2023.
compensate for the uncertainty that exists and be the obvious
choice for the customer,” says Jonas Jaenecke. “We do this mainly                     Gustaf Thuresson, CEO
by providing effective and accessible service. Our sales personnel
are the ones who initiate the relationship and subsequently develop

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