P. 75


Continuous efforts
to make production

    more circular

In 1986 Rune Andersson bought the agricultural and forestry business
      Mellby Gård, south of Hässleholm in Skåne. But it was a pure
          coincidence that he ended up with that particular farm.

Towards the end of 1985, Rune Andersson called a real estate                    “Considering the global turmoil and the inflationary effects it has
           agent to see if there were any farms for sale in Skåne. ‘If you’d  had on the prices of inputs, energy and feed, we held off on major
           called me three weeks ago, I would have had a good offer for       investments in 2022,” he says. “However, we’ve decided to continue
 you,’ the agent replied. ‘I've just sold Mellby Gård, a fine farm, at a      investing in solar panels. In the forthcoming expansion, we’ll be
 good price.’                                                                 increasing capacity to 400 kW, making us around 45 percent self-
                                                                              sufficient in terms of electricity consumption on the farm.”
   “We lived in Trelleborg at the time and were looking for a farm in the
 countryside,” says Rune Andersson. “I’d had trotting horses for many         CIRCULAR BUSINESS CONCEPT
 years and was interested in doing something of my own involving              Mellby Gård works continuously to make its production more circular.
 horses and hunting. I hadn’t yet taken my hunting exam, but had a lot        Wood chips from its own forest are used for heating, and locally
 of friends who hunted.”                                                      produced grain and by-products from the food industry are used as
                                                                              feed. Fertilizer for the grass in the pastures is taken from their own pigs.
    A few weeks later, the agent called back. ‘You’re in luck,’ he said.
‘The buyer of Mellby Gård has pulled out – you can take over the deal’.         “We worked with piglet production for many years, but we stopped
                                                                              breeding them in 2021,” says Petter Beckman. “Instead in 2022 we
   “I hadn’t heard of Mellby Gård, so we went there and quickly               produced fattening pigs, a business activity that works well and that
 discovered that it was exactly what we were looking for,” says Rune          we’ll keep on working with. Overall, we delivered about the same
 Andersson. “So it was pure coincidence that we ended up with Mellby          number of fattening pigs as last year, about 17,000, while the number
 Gård. And the deal had already been fully negotiated. We didn’t have         of suckler cows was 175. We also have about 130 fallow deer, with their
 any plans to settle here, but in 1997, when all the children had moved       young being sold to Eriksberg.”
 out, we moved here.”
                                                                                “Where real estate is concerned, we’ve been cautious because
 RESPONSIBLE ANIMAL HUSBANDRY                                                 prices have been high,” he says. “We’re continuing to work towards
“The fact that we’ve had animals, mainly pigs, on the farm is due to          creating an even more cohesive unit and are always interested in
 a sense of responsibility,” says Rune Andersson. “As the owner of a          adding properties adjacent to our lands.”
 farm with such large fields, you can’t let everything lie fallow. I had no
 expectations that it would be particularly profitable. We made some            “2022 has been a profitable year for the forest, with record levels
 calculations and chose the least bad option from a financial point of        and felling in excess of growth,” says Petter Beckman. “When
 view, namely pigs, and it’s worked out well over the years.”                 prices fall, we slow down the pace so that over time, we fell in line
                                                                              with growth. Both timber and pulp prices remained at good levels
    When Rune Andersson bought Mellby Gård in 1986, the property              throughout 2022.”
 was 550 hectares; today it is 2,300. If you include the land in Örmo
 Skogar near Konga, Tingsryd municipality in Småland, the total area
 is 7,800 hectares.

Petter Beckman, who is responsible for operations at the farm,
describes a turbulent 2022 that limited opportunities for major
initiatives and investments.

                                                                                   Petter Beckman,
                                                                              Operations Manager

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