P. 80


           Revolutionizing the
    wastewater treatment industry

      with the help of microalgae

    I-Phyc is dedicated to improving water quality in local streams             “Feralco is a prominent player in our industry and we’re honored
          and rivers through the use of its patented technology, which uses   that they’ve chosen to support us in realizing our vision,” says Simon
          naturally occurring microalgae that effectively remove pollutants   Gretton Watson. “In the case of Mellby Gård, they have a reputation
    such as phosphorus and ammonia from municipal and industrial              for providing long-term support to businesses and enabling
    wastewater. This chemical-free approach to water treatment is a           entrepreneurial teams to grow and thrive. We wanted to work with a
    major step forward in the industry and sets the stage for significant     company that not only has expertise in our industry but is also highly
    growth in the near future.                                                respected, which is why we approached Feralco and Mellby Gård.
                                                                              We believe 2023 will be an exciting year for our company, and the
      “We’re currently in the process of commissioning our second             additional funding we have received will allow us to take our business
    treatment plant and have recently secured another contract,” says         to the next level.”
    CEO Simon Gretton Watson. “We’ve also expanded our team and
    assembled a dedicated and driven group of individuals who are                    Simon Gretton Watson, CEO
    committed to taking this innovative technology to new heights of

       An important event during the year was welcoming FMG Circular
    Invest as a strategic investor in I-Phyc. This will open doors and boost
    their presence in the wastewater sector.

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