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The innovation company
that wants to make liquid

  analysis more efficient

Spec-Imaging was founded in 2020 by LU Holding (Lund                  2022 was a year of rapid acceleration for Spec-Imaging, and in
         University's investment company) and a team of researchers   November FMG Circular Invest stepped in with capital and business
         from the Division of Combustion Physics at Lund University.  strategy expertise. This will make a big difference to the company,
Spec-Imaging has developed a new, patented measurement method         and in 2023 Spec-Imaging will launch its first product on the market.
for liquids based on absorption spectroscopy. This allows the
measurement of different substances in liquids without dilution and     “We highly value our partnership with FMG Circular Invest,” says
filtration. The technology will streamline current methods and open   William Chaze. “Having them as a strategic investor has been
up opportunities for in-line measurements, which is measurements      extremely helpful, and I also appreciate that we both view our
of active flows, in industries such as water treatment, food and      partnership as a long-term commitment. Thanks to their network,
pharmaceuticals.                                                      we’ve also been able to test the product in different environments.
                                                                      This has been a major reason for the progress we’ve made and will
  “At the end of 2021, we brought in our first external financier,    help us grow in the future!”
allowing us to work on the company full-time, not just as a hobby,”
says CEO William Chaze. “Like many other companies, we started out                       William Chaze, CEO
in my garage, but in the last two years, the pace of development has
been exponential. Our investors have made a major contribution to
this, combined with the help we’ve received from LU Holding. We now
have a long-term business plan in place and are currently looking at
the possibility of recruiting new employees.”

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