P. 83


       Waiting for the
      market to recover

Dealing with a recession requires that you have done your homework and
are prepared. “The most important thing is to have an elaborate plan for
  different scenarios and a strong financial position so that you can take

  a long-term approach and make use of the opportunities that present
   themselves in a recession,” says Mellby Gård’s CEO Johan Andersson.

The pandemic was deeply tragic and challenging. At the same                    A recent example is the wooden house industry, which is going
           time, it made many people realize how quickly a major change     through a tough period, according to Johan. Many manufacturers
           can occur.                                                       have already made cuts, and it cannot be ruled out that Älvsbyhus
   “What happened in March 2020 is unprecedented in modern times,           will have to do the same. Our ambition is to last longer than the rest
 at least based on what I’ve experienced in my professional life,” says     of the industry by building houses on our own initiative on our own
Johan Andersson. “Few people were prepared for what was to come.            land, build new display houses and make use of our strong balance
 But Mellby Gård coped well with the pandemic, and there’s now a            sheet. Because when the market changes direction – which it will – it
 completely different awareness that major changes can take place           can be difficult to find skilled employees. If you retain staff instead,
 quickly and have a big impact.”                                            you can respond to an upturn in an aggressive manner.

   “I think this will help us to deal with a possible recession,” he says.     Johan also thinks that, during a recession, it is particularly
“It doesn’t happen overnight in the same way. We’ve been preparing          important that the companies in the group stay in close contact. It
 for a long time and have dealt with recessions before, although            should be and is a great advantage to be part of Mellby Gård, where
 nobody knows exactly what this one will be like.”                          the companies can share experiences with each other, including with
                                                                            businesses in different industries, which can provide new insights.
   “We’ve had discussions internally about it being likely to be more
 protracted,” says Johan Andersson. “Previous declines have usually         MORE DIFFICULT TO CONVINCE INVESTORS
 been relatively quick, with rapid recovery. We now believe in a            During the pandemic, valuations of tech companies in particular
 scenario more akin to a slow puncture. We believe that interest rates      skyrocketed due to continued low interest rate policies and
 will stabilize at a level last experienced a couple of decades ago, and    central bank stimulus. With the subsequent increases in interest
 this, combined with an increase in the cost of living, may affect some     rates, valuations have also fallen sharply. There was also a kind of
 industries significantly, while others do relatively okay.”                digital conversion that has driven e-commerce in many industries.
                                                                            However, the companies purely focusing on e-commerce have had
 IMPORTANT TO HAVE A PLAN B AND PLAN C                                      a challenging 2022. Many started off 2022 with too much inventory
 Uncertainty regarding the scale and timing means that you should           while extrapolating growth levels from levels seen in 2020 and 2021.
 not only have a plan B, but also a plan C in case of an unexpectedly       The post-pandemic reality has been different.
 large drop in demand or an unusually prolonged recession.
                                                                               For those companies now seeking capital to continue their growth
    Most rules or advice for dealing with a recession are company-          journey, it is important to convince investors that they can become
 specific, according to Johan. However, a general piece of advice is to     positive in terms of cash flow in the near future. They need to present
 have a well-developed plan in which you have considered different          a business plan that demonstrates they can adapt and reduce their
 scenarios and activities to deal with them. Being in a strong financial    costs significantly. This in itself can be a useful experience for many.
 position is also important. From an owner and a parent company
 perspective, a strong balance sheet gives you the freedom to act and         “In general, I think that risk awareness has increased in recent times,
 support your holdings.                                                     which is a good thing and increases the chances of being able to
                                                                            tackle a recession effectively,” says Johan Andersson. “On the other
   “Fortunately, our balance sheet remains strong, allowing us to           hand, there may be things that are underestimated. For example, real
 support our companies should they be severely affected,” says Johan        estate companies have hundreds of billions in bond loans that are to
 Andersson. “At the same time, we can be active if opportunities            be refinanced in the coming years. The banks’ appetite to take them
 present themselves. When the financing well begins to dry up, there’s      over may not be very high.”
 less competition to provide capital, allowing us to make interesting
 strategic transactions.”                                                     “We may also be underestimating the impact of aggregate cost
                                                                            increases on household finances,” he says. “For many households,
   “Where others need to take drastic action and lay off staff, we          they can increase costs by tens of thousands of Swedish kronor per
 should have the confidence to feel we don’t have to act as forcefully,”    year. Obviously, this is likely to have consequences for most B2C
 he says. “Of course, there may be times when we too are forced             companies.”
 to make redundancies, but we’ll make fewer cutbacks than our

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