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Right person in the right
place at the right time – at
the right price
Skills supply is an urgent issue and a major obstacle to growth.
StudentConsulting’s digital offering for recruitment, staffing and filling
temporary positions provides a unique platform that offers better matches,
faster processes and the industry’s most satisfied customers.
The biggest barrier to growth for businesses is finding staff accept is appointed to carry out the assignment. The solution is a win-
with the right skills. At the same time, unemployment is rising win for both clients and temporary employees.
and people are finding it difficult to enter the labor market.
StudentConsulting’s business concept is to match the right person “Everyone’s a winner with this solution,” says Tobias Lindfors. “We get
with the right place at the right time – at the right price. This must take to help solve the skills shortage and our clients get skilled substitute
place with the shortest lead time, lowest transaction cost and highest teachers. This means that we’re working entirely in line with our mis-
level of flexibility and quality. sion – to put more people into work each day while ensuring the most
satisfied customers in the industry.
Digitalization creates new opportunities and can break down
A cornerstone of StudentConsulting’s success is the proprietary, barriers. StudentConsulting was the first to market a video CV service
leading and comprehensive business management system SC Jobbot, for job applicants. It’s a way to respond to an increasingly digital
which the company has developed along with its customers over 23 generation. But it’s also a way to make things easy and inclusive for
years. StudentConsulting’s working methods and comprehensive those who find it challenging to express themselves in writing.”
management system are ISO certified to ISO 9001 Quality management
systems, ISO 14001 Environmental management systems and ISO INDUSTRY AWARD WINNER
45001 Occupational health and safety. SC Jobbot is a comprehensive
system for consultants, clients, candidates and employees. A major The long-term approach behind and development of SC Jobbot
factor for success is that all parties work with the same system using has generated major successes over the years. This has included
separate tools that ensure that each target group works in the most StudentConsulting becoming a Gazelle Award winner four times in
effective way. northern Sweden and being designated Sweden’s fastest growing
company three times. StudentConsulting was designated Master
NEW WAYS TO TACKLE CHALLENGES Gazelle, and thus the company that has won the Gazelle Award
most times in Sweden, by financial newspaper Dagens Industri in
SC Jobbot is also behind the fact that StudentConsulting is the biggest 2019. Between 2020–2022, StudentConsulting had organic growth of
provider of substitute teachers for schools in Sweden. The system is a half a billion Swedish kronor. Despite a turbulent environment and
service that has been very successful when working with municipalities a tougher economic situation, StudentConsulting continued to gain
to find new, more intelligent ways for schools to quickly find substitute market share in 2023. In addition, it was recognized as an industry
teachers. It manages to fill posts at short notice while solving the long- winner in collaboration with the company "Largest Companies", with
term skills supply issue. StudentConsulting outperforming its own industry in terms of net sales
and earnings.
“We help many municipalities and companies with temporary
employees, staffing and recruitment,” says Tobias Lindfors, CEO For the ninth year in a row, StudentConsulting received the award
of StudentConsulting. “This includes managing substitute staff for for the Recruitment Industry’s Most Satisfied Customers in Evimetrix’s
schools and kindergartens throughout Luleå municipality, meaning annual survey. According to the results of this year’s survey, digital
that we have full responsibility for the temporary staffing function, solutions were one of the most important parameters for success.
from recruitment and quality assurance to matching. SC Jobbot
combined with an optimally composed pool of temporary employees “It’s great that for the ninth year in a row, we’re demonstrating that
enables us to maintain a high level of delivery reliability and of we’re a staffing and recruitment partner you can rely on, regardless
continuity in temporary employees. At the same time, customers are of the economic situation. The award is a fantastic acknowledgement
given the opportunity to take on temporary employees for full-time of our employees, who work daily to
positions on an ongoing basis. In this way, we become a staffing, achieve our mission of putting more
temping and recruitment function.” people into work each day while
ensuring the most satisfied customers
The system matches the school’s requirements in terms of skills in the industry,” concludes Tobias
and needs with the pool of substitutes, sends out a request to the Lindfors.
consultants who do the matching, and the substitute quickest to
Tobias Lindfors, CEO