Page 33 - Future_of_Snowsport_Industry_EN
P. 33


The information in this publication has been compiled from various sources.
In the first section, we presented results purely based on the survey, and the
detailed survey results can also be found on the Santasport website (in Finnish).
When interpreting the survey results, it’s essential to consider the respondent
group and interpret the results from this perspective. The responses primarily
reflect the perspectives of ski resort employees and ski instructors, although
similar challenges may be encountered in other tourism sectors.

Key supporting information for this publication has been provided by the
Centre for Economic Development, Transport and Environment through its
data collection and summaries. These include, for example, the Action plan
for ensuring the availability of competent workforce, Lapland’s economic
outlook, and the Workforce needs in Lapland in the 2020s report. Additionally,
the publication makes use of the Regional development outlooks for 2023
prepared by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Employment.

The collected and compiled information creates a context against which the
survey results should be interpreted. At the end of the publication, there is a
list of links to useful websites and organisations that tourism stakeholders,
regardless of their role, should explore. We extend our gratitude to all
stakeholders for their support throughout the project, with special thanks to
the staff of the Centre for Economic Development, Transport and Environment
coordinated projects Work2030 and Future Labour Markets.

Topics for future examination

Although our Worklife Experience is Everything survey          For future examination, we believe that the most
received praise for its versatility, a more detailed analysis  crucial focus should be on the functionality of the
specific to target groups would be required when exam-         matchmaking network of actors. It is essential to
ining the workforce situation further. For example, we did     clarify the roles of various actors and streamline co-
not differentiate the perspectives of foreign workers em-      operation. Exploring best practices in tourism areas
ployed in Finnish tourist resorts in our survey. Similarly,    related to the workforce would also be an interesting
sector-specific studies should be conducted in more            topic for further investigation. Practicality should
detail, such as those focused on the accommodation and         always be kept in mind, especially from the perspec-
restaurant industry and activity services. Questions relat-    tives of businesses and employees.
ed to entrepreneurship are also part of workforce issues.

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