Page 32 - Future_of_Snowsport_Industry_EN
P. 32


The results of our survey revealed that wage levels,         Collaborative initiatives received positive feedback from          SUGGESTED SOLUTIONS FOR WORKFORCE CHALLENGES
housing shortages, and the year-round viability of           participating entities, indicating that we have been ad-
tourism are the central challenges in addressing the         dressing the right issues during the project, and this work
labour situation in northern ski resort areas. However,      should continue. Commitment from decision-makers is
it is impossible to directly influence these challenges.     also required to advance these matters.
For example, turning tourism into a year-round activity
requires development work during the quieter periods         Efforts related to education development and alignment
between seasons and innovation, which in turn requires       with the labour market will continue, and there is a shared
new skills. The challenge of year-round viability is thus    commitment among stakeholders to develop these
linked to labour issues.                                     activities. The insights gained from the event aimed at
                                                             businesses emphasized the importance of considering
Increasing wage levels requires raising the value of         non-work-related aspects for entrepreneurs at both local
work in the tourism and service sectors, which can be        and regional levels. The content of the Snow Sport Trail
achieved through higher quality standards. High quality      is already in place in Kittilä, and it will be further clarified,
demands high expertise, education, and commitment,           conceptualized, and developed in collaboration with
making it part of the labour challenges as well. Similarly,  stakeholders. The availability of services provided by
housing shortages can be resolved through solutions          employment and business development agencies aimed
to tourism attraction and especially retention issues.       at ski resorts can be communicated more regularly to
When there is enough pressure for housing construction,      ensure wider utilization.
opportunities are seized.
                                                             Tourism is a significant export sector for Finland, and it is
Effecting change in these areas happens through solving      sensible to promote its growth. Finland is also known as a
immediate challenges at hand. Attitude plays a signifi-      safe tourism destination, and the development of tourism
cant role; it is important to focus on opportunities rather  activities can be carried out sustainably. One crucial
than problems, as what is reinforced tends to strengthen.    sustainability aspect is related to labour force matters.

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