Page 31 - Future_of_Snowsport_Industry_EN
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From the perspective of regional development and mu-          Levi Snow Sport Academy, operating under Kittilä mu-
nicipal employment, it often makes sense and is efficient     nicipality, offers young people in secondary school the
if local young people are educated in local educational in-   opportunity to combine snow sports, athletic careers,
stitutions and employed in workplaces within their home-      and education. The academy closely collaborates with
town or nearby areas. Many municipalities and economic        Kittilä gymnasium, Rovaniemi Municipal Federation of
regions in Finland probably consider this. The retention      Education (REDU), and Lapland Sports Institute. Their
of local youth or their return to the region after education  activities encompass both sports and education, and
elsewhere can be valuable in various ways. The signifi-       the academy is staffed by seven professional coaches
cance of local or regional practices, culture, networks,      and trainers.
and local knowledge in different job roles can be crucial.
This doesn’t mean that employees from other locations or      Based on this background, we organised two events in
countries can’t learn these aspects, but local employees      Kittilä (October 25, 2023, and October 26, 2023). The aim
may have a significant advantage in this regard.              was to bring local stakeholders together to discuss pos-
                                                              sibilities, roles, responsibilities, and to introduce Lapland
In ski resorts and their surrounding areas, there are var-    University of Applied Sciences’ educational contents that
ious job roles that require skills related to snow and work-  are suitable for snow sports athletes or secondary level
ing with snow. These roles can be related to slope and lift   students in the region. Higher education institutes offer
maintenance, activity services, events, safety, construc-     nationwide study paths and study programs designed to
tion, marketing, sales, planning, and development. The        provide secondary level students with flexible pathways
activities in snow sports provide diverse experiences         to higher education.
beyond work. Many professionals work within the snow
sports sector, particularly in coaching and education,        Levi Snow Sport Academy includes the women’s na-
both in competitive sports and recreational activities.       tional alpine skiing C team, for which Lapland University
Engagement in snow sports provides a diverse range of         Consortium, through our collaboration initiative, designed
experiences not only in work but also in leisure activities.  an educational package that supports the dual career
                                                              of athletes. This initiative represents an aim to com-
The higher education initiative                               bine higher education with snow sports. The goal is to
to complement the snow sports                                 strengthen the possibilities for dual career athletes and
trail in Kittilä                                              the employment of experts in the field, both as athletes
                                                              and after their sports career. Additionally, Kittilä munici-
Levi Ski Club in Kittilä aims to be the most versatile        pality, in collaboration with local stakeholders, embarked
snow sports club in Finland. They collaborate with            on promoting the snow sports trail concept in Kittilä.
various local organisations, including the ski resort and
Revontuliopisto (community college), to provide activ-
ities for children and youth aged 7–16 in various snow
sports. The club employs coaches for different disci-
plines and youth training and organises sports events.

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