Page 5 - Future_of_Snowsport_Industry_EN
P. 5

In a seasonal industry, new approaches are needed to attract both do-
mestic and international talent. There’s a need for developing tailored
solutions for skills development that secure an adequate workforce
for the needs of the business sector. The ski resort industry is highly
seasonal, which is why it is important to identify the factors affecting
commitment to work and opportunities for year-round employment.

Traditionally, ski and tourism centers attract young and adventurous
seasonal workers. Tourism and ski resort areas have plenty of factors
that attract talent. There is a need for more committed long-term
experts in these regions; learning through education and experience
is crucial in ski resort tourism areas, and strategies for employee en-
gagement need to be considered more carefully.

New solutions are needed for the development of training paths in
various industries and for year-round employment solutions, such as
combining seasons and industries and through international coop-
eration. Educational programs in English are needed to attract and
retain foreign labour in the area as the working language changes.
Ensuring and developing skills are key to addressing innovations and
labour shortages.

The Future of Snowsport Industry project aims to find and initiate flex-
ible solutions to ensure the availability of skilled labour in a changing
world and proactively respond to the challenges posed by the structur-
al changes observed in the ski resort and tourism service sectors. This
publication examines the outputs of the project.

In the first part of the publication, we outline the current situation re-
garding workforce issues in the tourism and ski resort industry. In the
second part, we discuss the new collaborative initiatives implemented
during the project to overcome the challenges that have arisen.

Key stakeholders in the project include businesses, educational insti-
tutions, training providers, as well as development and regional or-
ganizations both domestically and internationally. The purpose of this
publication is to serve future development work as well. We thank all
who worked on the project!


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