Page 7 - Future_of_Snowsport_Industry_EN
P. 7

As part of The Future of Snowsport Industry Project, a   IMPLEMENTA-
survey was conducted among ski resort industry op-       TION OF THE
erators. The aim of the survey was to gather insights    SURVEY
from domestic and international experts working in
various roles within ski resorts, as well as in tourism  The survey was designed to gather responses not only
and activity service sectors, regarding the industry’s   from ski resort employees but also from those working
skill levels, education offerings, and the development   in accommodation, restaurant, and activity services.
needs and challenges related to attracting and retain-   Additionally, representatives from educational institu-
ing talent in the field.                                 tions, development organizations, clubs, and asso-
                                                         ciations were invited to participate. An international
In the context of this survey, the ski resort industry   perspective was taken into account, as the survey was
refers to the services provided at ski resorts and the   conducted in the context of the Interski 2023 event
surrounding tourist areas. Finland has nearly 70 ski     held in Levi in March.
resorts, each with its own unique characteristics.
Many ski resorts in Southern and Central Finland are     The data collection for the survey was carried out on-
located near urban centres, serving not only tourists    line using the Questback Essentials platform, acces-
but also local residents. In contrast, ski resorts in    sible through an open link. The survey was promoted
Northern Finland often play a significant role in the    directly to individuals, for example at events, and was
regional economy of the tourism industry. The diverse    shared electronically through employers, development
range of tourism services offered alongside ski          and advocacy organizations, educational institutions,
resorts collectively forms a comprehensive service       and associations.
package for both domestic and international tourists.
                                                         The survey questions were formulated based on tour-
In addition to the survey, data collection for the       ism development strategy papers and in collaboration
project has also taken place during various events       with key stakeholders of the project. The questions
and through collaborative efforts. The project           were thematically divided into three parts:
participated in international events like Interski2023
held in Levi and meetings with the Finnish Ski Area      - The attractiveness of the ski resort industry.
Association. Throughout the project, there has been      - Changing work life.
ongoing interaction with key stakeholders such as        - The development of ski resort industry education.
educational institutions, the Centre for Economic
Development, Transport and the Environment, as well      In total, the survey consisted of 40 questions, most
as public employment and business services. This has     of which were statements. In addition to statements,
contributed to data collection and is considered part    open-ended questions were also included. The survey
of the information-gathering process.                    questionnaire can be found in the attachment (Appendix
                                                         1, content of the survey questionnaire).
Next, we will review the results of the survey conduct-
ed as part of the project and integrate them into an     Data collection began during the Interski conference
overview of broader workforce development trends.        in 2023 on March 24th and continued until September
                                                         12th, 2023. A total of 381 individuals responded to the
                                                         survey. There were 358 (94%) fully completed responses
                                                         and 23 (6%) partially completed responses. Incomplete
                                                         responses were included in the final dataset if they
                                                         contained relevant answers to open-ended questions,
                                                         among other criteria.

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