Page 10 - Future_of_Snowsport_Industry_EN
P. 10

Respondents’ role in the ski resort industry and length of employment in the industry (n=381)

To analyze the results, employees and supervisors in pro-           industry. In the question about working in the ski resort
gram services were combined into one group: program                 industry, those with less than one year of experience and
services. Similarly, different roles in the accommodation           those with 1–3 years of experience in the industry were
and restaurant/catering industry were combined into                 combined into one group: less than 4 years.
one group: accommodation, restaurant, and catering

                                              Ski instructor              15 %                           43 %
          Manager/Developer, e.g. CEO, supervisor
                                                                          12 %                        The groups
                                      Ski resort employee                                             “Less than one
      Representative of an educational institution                    7%                              year” and “1-3
                                                                                                      years” have been
                                    Ski school supervisor             6%                              combined: “Less
                    Coach in a skiing association/club                                                than 4 years.”
                          Employee in activity services                                          4-8 years 17%
                        Supervisor in activity services             4%                           Over 8 years 63%
            Employee in the accommodation sector
          Supervisor in the accommodation sector                  2%
     Employee in the restaurant/catering industry
    Supervisor in the restaurant/catering industry                2%

                                                         Other  1%

                                                                1%        Less than one year 7%
                                                                1%        1-3 years 14%


Respondent group training                                                       39 %
(multiple choice question, n=381)

 Short-term training and courses in the ski resort industry
 (ski instruction,activity services, lift operation training,

               coaching, so-called certificate courses, etc.)

                   Professional qualification                                   15 %                                           WORKFORCE ISSUES IN TOURISM AND SKI RESORT AREAS
    (coach, nature experience guide, etc.)

    Vocational education (tourism industry, restaurant and                      13 %
                        catering industry, sports industry etc.)                13 %

                                  University of Applied Sciences
    (tourism industry, sports industry, management etc.)

    University (management, tourism research etc.)                              12 %
                           No ski resort industry training                      9%

                                                                    Only about one in ten respondents did not have ski resort
                                                                    industry-related training. The majority have completed
                                                                    short-term training and courses in the industry.

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