Page 19 - SKR-annual-report-2022-EN
P. 19


human sound

Sound artist Jaakko Autio likes to make the unseen visible. A new installation
came into being near the Russian border in Narva, Estonia.

H uman relations, familiar-                 Sound artist Jaakko Autio received a grant for artistic work at the NART
                ity versus strangeness,     residency in Estonia in 2022.
                localness, and everyday
                culture are themes that     happens when the basic needs are met.     their mother tongue. The Baroque            TEXT AND PHOTO LAURA IISALO
 turn into immersive sound installa-        I feel better and drift less when I take  style Narva was almost completely
 tions in the hands of Jaakko Autio.        this opportunity”, he says.               destroyed during the Second World
 He wants to take his art among people,                                               War bombings, and the new, Soviet
 which is where it originates from.         While sound is Autio’s preferred          style city was built in place. The
                                            art form, he likes to include visual      Estonian population was substituted
     Autio spent a big part of his          elements in his installations. In the As  with Russians.
 childhood in Senegal, Africa, where his    Time Sounds II installation, which was
 family moved because of his parents’       exhibited at the Mikkeli Art Museum       In Narva, Autio prepaded a sound
 work. That’s where Autio learned what      during the summer of 2021, sounds         installation titled Where we are, which he
 the local saying “I am because you are”    created by Autio made geometric           created together with local choirs. It was
 means.                                     shapes on the surface of water. The       exhibited at the Narva Art Residency,
                                            speakers, which almost resemble           and at the Kogo gallery in Tartu.
     “In Senegal everything is about        human figures, bring a humane touch
 mutual relations, and the idea of          to whatever space he uses.                    “The new installation is loosely
 privacy differs from the western one.                                                based on the Finnish national anthem,
 I got to know local music and culture          In spring 2022, Autio lived and       which is melodically almost identical
 that has been refined throughout           worked in Estonia at the Narva Art        with the Estonian one. I try to create
 centuries, and which brings people         Residency for three months, funded        an aesthetic experience, which for
 together. I witnessed how important        by the Finnish Cultural Foundation’s      just a moment allows us to recognise
 it is to throw oneself out there and to    artist in residence programme. It         and remember a world not marked by
 become visible”, he says.                  came to him as a surprise that up to      hostility and conflicts”, Autio says.
                                            96% of the locals speak Russian as
 When Autio was 11 years old, the
 family moved to Ylivieska, a town
 of about 15 000 inhabitants in the
 Northern Ostrobothnia region in
 Finland. Autio found it hard to adapt.
 He had never worn socks or brushed
 his hair and spoke Finnish with a
 French accent. Now Autio thinks that
 his sense of foreignness has turned
 into a strength, which he taps into
 when making art.

     Autio worked in theatre before
 he started to make art on his own
 terms. As a sound artist he considers
 himself to be a storyteller and a people
 gatherer. Autio rarely makes himself
 seen but prefers using other people’s
 voices in his installations.

     “I’m like a social anthropologist
 who spots something precious in the
 existing culture and makes it visible. It
 was my parents’ job to solve everyday
 problems; I’m interested in what
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