Page 38 - DFB-2023-Annual-Report-Low-Res
P. 38

QUALITY IMPROVEMENT UNIT (QIU)                                  ERCC SUPPORT STAFF

The ERCC QIU Unit is responsible to ensure that all ERCC        The operation of the ERCC is dependent
staff are trained to an appropriate level and to ensure the     on supporting staff including ICT and
overall quality relating both call taking and overall service   administration staff. The ICT and technical
delivery is to a high standard. In 2023 following a successful  support function ensures continuous
recruitment campaign, the ERCC trained 20 new Emergency         availability of the ERCC with support and
Service Controllers (ESC’s) with a 10 week training course      maintenance of all systems in place and in
which was delivered over 2 classes. In addition, dedicated      a wide area of different locations including
Sub Officer training classes were delivered to ensure that      the ERCC, Disaster Recovery site and
staff could act in supervisory roles. The training provision    the 95 fire stations in the east region. In
is provided by members of the QIU and by secondment of          addition ERCC ICT technical staff work on
ERCC staff plus guest lectures from outside agencies to         specific projects including a CAD & comms
ensure ERCC get rounded training on this vital public facing    upgrade which is currently on-going. Supplier
service provided by the ERCC.                                   management and reporting to both DFB and
                                                                the wider 13 fire authorities covered under
Another key element of the QIU is the internal audit process    the ERCC operational area is a key element
of calls including medical calls under the MPDS system          of supporting both the ERCC and the fire
to ensure both a continuous and high level of quality is        service staff whom engage with control on
achieved. This function includes interaction and feedback       a daily basis.
with staff to help ensure standards are maintained.

38  Bhriogáid Dóiteáin Bhaile Átha Cliath DUBLIN FIRE BRIGADE
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