Page 34 - DFB-2023-Annual-Report-Low-Res
P. 34
The East Region Communications Centre (ERCC) available resource.
which is operated by DFB processes emergency fire
and ambulance calls for the Dublin area. A regional For ambulance calls, an internationally recognised
service is also provided for which also sees the ERCC Medical Priority Dispatch System (MPDS) called
processing emergency fire calls for 13 fire authorities ProQa is used to determine the acuity of the patient
in Leinster, Cavan and Monaghan. ensuring that ambulance and EMS resources utilised
on a patient needs basis. It also allows operators
The process of emergency fire call handling is to give medically appropriate pre-arrival instructions to
quickly and accurately identify with the caller the callers including potentially lifesaving directions to
location of the incident and to establish what exactly persons who may be dealing with a Cardiac Respiratory
the issue is including additional relevant details Arrest. In 2023, the ERCC was reaccredited as a
which may assist responding crews. Depending on Centre of Excellence by the International Academy of
what details the caller may give, an ERCC operator Emergency Dispatch (IAED) as medical calls are both
will select the relevant incident type and will mobilise internally and externally validated to ensure both
the Pre-Determined Attendance (PDA) which is the adherence to MPDS standard.
fire authorities agreed number of fire resources to
initially attend the reported incident. This PDA will In 2023, the ERCC processed 207,575 emergency
differ depending on the level of risk associated with calls received which are broken down as follows.
each incident type and will always include the nearest
34 Bhriogáid Dóiteáin Bhaile Átha Cliath DUBLIN FIRE BRIGADE