Page 42 - DFB-2023-Annual-Report-Low-Res
P. 42


The main focus of DFB Fire Prevention & Community         Communication is key in the area of enforcement,
Fire Safety Section is to help people stay safe from      whilst Dublin Fire Brigade actively engage with
the danger of fire. The responsibility for fire safety    persons to advise and improve the fire safety in their
rests with the person in control of a building to ensure  premises on a voluntary basis, DFB frequently request
a reasonable fire safety standard as outlined in the      a competent person be appointed to undertake a fire
Fire Services Act 1981 & 2003. DFB provide advice         safety assessment in accordance with section 18(6)
and work with stakeholders to improve fire safety and     of the Fire Services Acts 1981 and 2023. On review
ensure a high fire safety standard in buildings.          of the information, our response will be escalated
                                                          depending on the fire safety deficiencies noted,
In 2023, we received 1,360 notifications raising          including that remedial works be carried out and the
concern about fire safety in buildings.                   fire safety shortcomings addressed.

Every case is processed and we advise and engage          Advice and inspection programmes are prioritised
with people to ensure fire safety standards are           relative to the risk. Powers of inspection and
achieved.                                                 enforcement are used judiciously when required,
                                                          including Prosecutions, Fire Safety Notices, High
DFB have promotional fire safety advice campaigns in      Court Orders and Closure Notices provided in the Fire
the media and on our social media platforms, including    Services Act.
advertising campaigns so we can reach as many
people as possible to address the many different fire     In 2023, DFB issued 10 Fire Safety Notices on different
risks that we encounter.                                  types of buildings relating to different fire safety
                                                          deficiencies, and we brought 4 prosecutions before
Inspections of premises are carried out on a risk based   the courts.
prioritisation to assess compliance under the relevant
regulations i.e. nursing homes, hotels, schools, pubs,

We carried out 2,036 inspections in terms Technical       2,036 Inspections
/ Building / During Performance Inspections
Management Inspections in 2023.                           carried out in 2023

42                                                        Bhriogáid Dóiteáin Bhaile Átha Cliath DUBLIN FIRE BRIGADE
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