Page 44 - DFB-2023-Annual-Report-Low-Res
P. 44


As our city has emerged from the effects of a           Prevention and Community Safety Department,
global pandemic, and businesses have endeavoured        represented Dublin Fire Brigade at Outdoor Dining
to recover, Dublin City Council has continued to        Committee Meetings, in addition to commenting on
support business recovery by merging the COVID19        over 140 Street Furniture Applications, in respect of
Temporary Seating Application process with the          Fire Safety.
ongoing Street Furniture process throughout the
city. This allows businesses to apply for the use of    This work will continue in 2024, in order to support
an outdoor seating area outside their premises, on a    and assist business recovery in this challenging
more permanent basis.                                   environment.

Dublin Fire Brigade are proud to continue supporting    140 Applications in 2023

5.3 DANGEROUS SUBSTANCESthis response, and in 2023 a team within the Fire
(DANGEROUS SUBSTANCE ACT 1972) Dublin Fire              262 Stores
Brigade currently receive and process licence
applications for the storage of fuel for sale and       •	 85 stores are located in the
commercial supply at 262 flammable fuel stores in       	 Dublin City Council area
the Dublin County area. These licences are normally     •	 70 stores are located in the
valid for three years.                                  	 South Dublin County Council area
                                                        •	 72 stores are located in the
67 licence applications were processed in 2023.         	 Fingal County Council area
Some licence applications roll over from the previous   •	 35 stores are located in the
year or run into the following year if works are        	 Dún Laoghaire–Rathdown Council area
required to be completed following an inspection.
                                                        FLAMMABLE FUEL STORES DUBLIN 2023

2023 marked the third full year of a new licencing                           262        30%
regime for these sites due to updated regulations.                         stores       29%
These updated regulations have increased the                                            28%
number of sites now requiring a licence. Previously,    Dublin City Council area        14%
only sites storing petrol for sale required a licence.  South Dublin City Council
Now, the majority of sites that store any liquid or     Fingal County Council
gaseous fuel for sale or commercial supply require      Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown Council
a licence. In addition, the revised regulations have
also made the information submission required
in order to apply for a licence considerably more
comprehensive. This has significantly increased
the workload in dealing with each application and
progressing it with the applicant to a point where a
licence can be granted.

44                                                      Bhriogáid Dóiteáin Bhaile Átha Cliath DUBLIN FIRE BRIGADE
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