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DANIR 2023 | Our involvement                            20

Star for Life South Africa

In 2023, we focused on the quality assurance of
our programme activities in South Africa. For this
reason, we looked at how we implement our pro-
gramme, as well as how we measure and evaluate
our workshops, classroom sessions, and our newly
started Daughters of Africa activities geared towards
schoolgirls and young women. In the same way, we
have ensured that students have access to adequate
knowledge about physical and mental health as well
as nutrition through our mobile health clinics.

   We have also held workshops and training on
leadership, among other topics, in order to create
even better team spirit and enthusiasm. Evaluations
and follows ups show that we take our work seri-
ously, and we are always prepared to develop and
change in order to strengthen the students’ oppor-
tunities for a better future.

Star for Life Namibia                                   ical and mental health. We have received immense
                                                        support from our mobile health clinic which, through
In Namibia, we have held workshops and classroom        outreach work, provides students with knowledge
activities for thousands of students during the year,   about sexual and reproductive health, health/illness,
with a focus on life skills, career support, and phys-  and diet and nutrition.

                                                           Through the Daughters of Africa Girls Club, we
                                                        have worked in 16 schools to help girls improve their
                                                        self-esteem with the goal of shaping tomorrow’s
                                                        female leaders and entrepreneurs in a safe environ-
                                                        ment. At the same time, we also work with boys’
                                                        needs with the goal of building a generation that can
                                                        break down barriers to equality.

                                                           We have also initiated an exciting collaboration
                                                        between the Namibian schools JG van Der Watt and
                                                        Eldorado High School, and the Swedish schools Grillska
                                                        Gymnasiet Örebro and Christinaskolan on Lidingö. In
                                                        2023 we have also started a project funded by USAID
                                                        where 14 coaches work to provide support to students
                                                        at different schools. We also have an ongoing collabo-
                                                        ration with UNESCO in Namibia. We are very excited
                                                        about this collaboration with major global donors.
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