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19                                                        Våra engagemang | DANIR 2023

    drugs that have been developed do not cure the        Through collaborations, the organisation has grown,
    patients. Therefore, HIV/AIDS information remains     and is now also active outside Africa. In Sweden,
    an important part of our programme.                   Motivationslyftet by Star for Life has existed since
                                                          2013, and Star for Life Ukraine and Star for Life
       We are currently working in 120 schools in         Jerusalem were launched in 2022. In addition, there
    South Africa, Namibia, and Tanzania, where our        are fundraising foundations in Sweden, Norway, and
    coaches follow the students through their schooling   Germany working to find more sponsors and further
                                                          develop our partnerships.
        “	We are currently working in 120
          schools in South Africa, Namibia,                  During the year, we were able to bring together the
          and Tanzania.”                                  global Star for Life team in Malmö for the first time.
                                                          After productive days of workshops and discussions
    and where mobile health clinics work with outreach    about fundraising, partnerships, communication, lead-
    testing, healthcare, and counselling. More than       ership, evaluation methods, and pedagogy, we all went
    500,000 pupils have benefited from the Star for Life  home with new tools to make a good organisation even
    programme in this way. In addition, our Daughters of  better for the children and young people we support.
    Africa Girls Clubs, where tomorrow’s female leaders
    and entrepreneurs are formed, are located in 66       WEB
    schools in southern Africa.
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