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DANIR 2023 | Our sub-groups



“Expect a better tomorrow”
	 is a commitment.

Sigma Technology Group operates in Sweden,             a journey we set out on seven years ago. We are
Hungary, China, Norway, Germany and Ukraine,           now supporting three South African schools whose
delivering locally and globally. We offer multisec-    pupils can take advantage of Star for Life’s vital
toral expertise and a partnership-oriented business    motivation and health programmes. Our Star for Life
approach. We focus on software development,            ambassadors are the heart and soul of this work;
product information, the design and development        they actively participate in and drive improvement,
of embedded systems, digital solutions and IT          ensuring that the schools show progress. We also
infrastructure with expert consultants, develop-       conduct ongoing fundraising activities.
ment teams and offshore deliveries.
                                                          We are involved in several initiatives in Ukraine,
WHEN WORKING FOR A BETTER TOMORROW,                    including one to increase gender equality, inclusion
IT IS IMPORTANT THAT ACTIONS GENERATE                  and diversity. Another initiative targeted at young
RESULTS                                                people offers training and development programmes
When we say “expect a better tomorrow”, we are         for tomorrow’s leaders.
making a commitment.
                                                          We have been conducting a broad humanitarian
   We currently have 11 projects underway in           intervention since Russia launched its war of aggres-
Sweden, Hungary, South Africa and Ukraine, each of     sion against Ukraine, including taking an active role
which is helping to achieve one of the 17 Sustainable  in the campaign Upprop Ukraina, which is raising
Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda.           funds to support the Ukrainian population and civil
                                                       defence. Through our presence in Ukraine, we have
   One of these is our involvement in Star for Life,   played an active role in influencing and maintaining
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