Page 41 - Danir_Arsbok2023_ENG_DiPDF
P. 41

41                                                         Our involvement | DANIR 2023

                                                           Thanda Foundation Trust

                                                           The Thanda Foundation Trust was established
                                                           to address the socio-economic, educational, and
                                                           developmental needs of the three tribal communi-
                                                           ties adjacent to Thanda Safari in the Umkhanyekude
                                                           district. They actively work on addressing unemploy-
                                                           ment and engage in various conservation initiatives.

                                                              In 2023, in partnership with Thanda Safari,
                                                           the Trust took a ground-breaking step in wildlife
                                                           conservation by introducing AI-enabled collars to
                                                           protect its endangered rhino populations. The newly
                                                           developed AI transmitters use algorithms to observe,
                                                           learn, and analyse behaviour patterns specific to
                                                           each rhino. By recognizing abnormal activities such
                                                           as potential poaching attempts, territory disputes,
                                                           illness, and more, an alert is sent directly to the wild-
                                                           life monitor’s phone with precise GPS coordinates,
                                                           enabling swift response. This project truly shows
                                                           their commitment to conservation and the preserva-
                                                           tion of wildlife.


    Utfallsfonden finances organisations, initiatives
    and activities whose solutions provide measurable
    improvements in health, wellbeing, social exclusion,
    education, the labour market, integration, housing
    or security. The fund finances businesses so that
    organisations such as municipalities and regional
    authorities can procure their services based on pay-
    ment for results achieved, rather than for services
    rendered. Returns are linked to the results generated
    by investments, ensuring that individuals, investors
    and society all benefit in various ways from the
    fund’s work.
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